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Understanding the 9 Centers in Human Design: Your Ultimate Map to Self-Discovery

May 01, 202324 min read

“We can not solve problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstien


Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your unique energetic makeup and discover why you operate differently from others?

The 9 Centers in Human Design are the key to understanding your blueprint, shaping the way you think, feel, and interact with the world around you. Each center carries its own frequency, whether defined (which means colored in on your Human Design Chart) or undefined/open (which means not colored in or white in your Human Design Chart), with a range of shadows and gifts that impact your experiences and behaviors.

By delving into the complexities of each center, you can gain a deeper insight into why you behave the way you do and begin to live your life in greater alignment with who you truly are. Join us on a journey of self-discovery as we explore the transformative power of the 9 centers of Human Design.

Get your FREE Human Design Chart here.

The 9 Energy Centers in Human Design

With that being said, here is a thorough breakdown of each of the 9 Human Design Centers:

The Head (Crown) Center

The Head Center, located at the top of the body graph, is responsible for our mental activity and inspiration. It acts as a receiver, constantly absorbing thoughts and ideas from various sources, such as the Universe, people, and the environment around us. This center is often linked to creativity, as it provides the impetus for pursuing new ideas and exploring possibilities.

However, the Head Center can also lead to doubts and insecurities, causing us to question the truth about ourselves and the world. It is the center where we seek answers to life's biggest questions and where we may experience mental pressure. To learn more about Human Design you can check out their official page here.

The Head Center

Defined Head Center


Individuals with a defined Head Center are naturally inclined towards processing and analyzing information, with a steady flow of inspiration and ideas. They easily grasp complex concepts and are driven to bring their ideas to life. Visionaries by nature, they see the bigger picture and create innovative solutions to problems.

Their sharp mental processes enable them to understand complex ideas effortlessly, making it easier to access inspiration and ideas, and follow their intuition towards a greater sense of purpose. With the ability to filter out distractions and prioritize their thoughts and actions, they achieve greater productivity and success in their lives.


People with a defined Head Center may experience challenges when they become too attached to their thoughts and ideas, leading to mental overactivity and anxiety.

They may feel a sense of pressure to constantly generate new ideas or insights, which can lead to indecisiveness and overthinking. In severe cases, they may disconnect from their emotions and bodies, relying solely on the mental realm to guide their decisions and actions. This can cause them to become overwhelmed with thoughts, leading to anxiety and stress. Additionally, they may have difficulty accepting other viewpoints or being open to change, due to a strong sense of certainty in their beliefs and ideas.

Undefined Head Center


Individuals with an undefined or open head center possess a unique ability to absorb new knowledge and perspectives, making them excellent at brainstorming and generating ideas. Their flexible approach to thinking enables them to adapt to changing situations and consider multiple viewpoints while problem-solving and making decisions.

People with an open head center have a holistic approach to life and are curious about the world around them, which helps them navigate challenges with greater ease and grace. Overall, their adaptability and openness to new experiences make them valuable assets in personal and professional settings.


Individuals with an open or undefined head center may have difficulty finding a clear direction in life and maintaining consistency due to the overwhelming amount of information and ideas they receive. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, indecisiveness, and a lack of confidence in their own thoughts and ideas. They may struggle to set boundaries to protect their mental energy and may feel pressure to keep up with the constant influx of information, leading to burnout and exhaustion.

Additionally, people with an open head center may feel more influenced by the thoughts and ideas of others, as they may not have a consistent filter for discerning what is important or relevant to them. They may also experience a tendency towards overthinking and indecisiveness, as they take in a lot of information without a clear direction. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a sense of not being able to keep up with others who have a defined head center.

The Ajna (Third Eye) Center

The Ajna center is located in the head right below the Head Center. It is responsible for processing information, understanding, and rationalizing. The energy of the Ajna Center is focused on thinking, imagination, and distilling information to reach an understanding. It is also associated with possibilities and the power of the mind. You can learn more about Human Design by connecting with me on Instagram by clicking here.

The Ajna Center

Defined Ajna Center


Individuals with a defined Ajna Center possess exceptional analytical thinking skills, allowing them to process and distill complex concepts with ease. They are adept at logical decision-making and possess a vivid imagination that enables them to anticipate potential outcomes and plan accordingly.

These abilities make them highly suited for fields such as science, engineering, math, and technology, as well as strategic planning and problem-solving. With strong communication skills, they can break down complex concepts into easily understandable explanations and may have a talent for understanding and communicating abstract ideas.


Individuals with a defined Ajna Center may face challenges with overthinking, as they tend to analyze and rationalize everything and become fixated on finding answers and solutions. This can lead to mental exhaustion and feeling stuck in their own thoughts.

Additionally, they may struggle with being open to new perspectives and ideas that challenge their existing beliefs and thought patterns. One shadow aspect of having a defined Ajna is the tendency to feel the need to always be right or have the correct answer, which can result in being judgmental or critical towards others who don't share their views.

Undefined Ajna Center


Individuals with an open or undefined Ajna center possess a unique perspective and approach to processing information. They have a natural curiosity and willingness to explore new concepts and ideas, making them adaptable and flexible in various situations. Their openness to multiple perspectives allows them to bring diverse insights to problems and connect with their intuition and inner knowing.

Furthermore, their lack of rigid thought patterns and fixed opinions make them excellent listeners and creative problem solvers who can develop innovative solutions. Overall, having an undefined or open Ajna center can be a gift that fosters creativity and leads to novel solutions.


Individuals with an open or undefined Ajna Center tend to have an open mind and many interests, but this can also lead to indecision and self-doubt. They may struggle with making decisions, overthinking and feeling pressured to have a fixed opinion or belief. This can cause confusion and anxiety, and they may find themselves adopting the beliefs of others instead of having a strong sense of their own mental processes and perspectives.

The Throat Center

The Throat Center is located at the center of the neck, and its overall energy is related to expression, communication, manifestation, and action. It's the center of communication and creative expression, where ideas and concepts are given a voice and made tangible in the world.

It's also the center of manifestation, where ideas and intentions can be turned into reality through communication and action. The Throat Center is a powerful center that can greatly influence the way we express ourselves and interact with the world around us. If you're curious about Human Design and want a podcast to listen to as you learn, subscribe to The Divine Embodiment Podcast on your favorite platform!

The Throat Center

Defined Throat Center


Individuals with a defined throat center have a natural ability to express themselves, often being effective communicators and comfortable in leadership positions. They possess a strong voice and charisma, attracting others to them.

They have a sense of timing, knowing when to speak up and when to listen, and are skilled at articulating their ideas and opinions. These individuals are often seen as charismatic and inspiring, able to motivate and influence others through their words and actions. Overall, their gift is their ability to lead and express themselves confidently.


However, the shadow side of a defined throat center can manifest as over-expressiveness or an inability to be quiet and listen. They may feel pressure to constantly communicate and may struggle with holding back or keeping secrets. They may also struggle with the fear of judgment or rejection, as their sense of self-worth may be tied to their ability to communicate effectively.

Undefined Throat Center


Individuals with an undefined or open throat center have a gift for being versatile and adaptable in their communication style, as they are able to take in and amplify the energy of those around them. They have a natural ability to understand and respond to the needs of others, and can act as a bridge between people who may have different communication styles.

This can make them great mediators, facilitators, and connectors. Additionally, those with an open throat may have a gift for creative expression, as they are able to tap into a wide range of influences and inspiration.


Individuals with an undefined or open throat center may find it challenging to express themselves authentically and assert their needs and desires. They may feel the need to conform to social norms or adopt the communication style of those around them, leading to inconsistent communication patterns.

They may also struggle to find the right words to express their thoughts and opinions or take on the energy and opinions of those around them, making it challenging for them to establish their unique voice. As a result, they may experience self-doubt and hesitation in expressing themselves, leading to difficulty in asserting themselves and standing up for their own needs.

The Identity (G) Center

The G or Identity Center, also known as the Self Center, is located in the middle of the body and is considered the center of the human design chart. Its energy is all about a sense of identity, direction, and purpose in life, as well as establishing boundaries and cultivating self-love. The G Center is responsible for the feeling of inner peace and harmony, and is often described as the "seat of the soul" in human design. It is where the sense of "I" or "me" is generated.

The Identity Center

Defined Identity Center


Individuals with a defined G center have a strong sense of identity and purpose, which makes them self-assured, confident, and charismatic.

They can easily establish boundaries, love themselves, and radiate a peaceful aura. They also have a deep connection with others and the world, and may feel compelled to explore their place in it.


People with a defined G center can experience the shadow of becoming too attached to their sense of self, leading to feelings of superiority, arrogance, and a lack of empathy for others.

They may also struggle with finding their true sense of purpose or feeling lost without a clear direction to follow. Additionally, they may have difficulty with boundaries and self-love, leading to feelings of inadequacy or the tendency to seek validation from others.

Undefined Identity Center


People with an undefined or open G center have the gift of being able to experience different identities and directions in life, as they do not have a fixed sense of self or purpose. They are adaptable, empathetic towards others, and have the ability to relate to a variety of people and situations, which allows them to bring a unique perspective to any situation.

They are also able to see the interconnectedness of all things, which can lead to a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others. Additionally, their openness to different possibilities can lead to a willingness to try new things and take risks, which can lead to growth and new experiences.


However, those with an undefined G center may struggle with finding a clear sense of direction, purpose, and identity. They may find it difficult to make definitive decisions and feel uncertain about their true self. Additionally, they may feel a need to conform to societal expectations to fit in or feel a sense of belonging.

Those with an undefined G center have a more flexible sense of identity and may experience difficulty in finding their purpose or direction. Their shadow side may involve feeling disconnected from their identity, resulting in insecurity and a lack of self-love.

The Heart (Ego) Center

The heart center, also known as the ego center, is located on the right hand side of the chest to right of the Identity Center. It is associated with the energy of willpower and self-esteem. It's where we hold our sense of personal power, identity, and self-worth.

This center is responsible for our ability to manifest and make things happen in the physical world. It's also associated with our desires, passions, and the need for recognition and validation from others. At its core, the heart center is about the balance between giving and receiving.

The Heart Center

Defined Heart Center


Those who have a defined heart center possess a reliable source of drive and willpower, and are natural leaders with a strong sense of self. They may have a competitive nature and a desire to succeed, while also having the ability to provide for themselves and others. These individuals tend to have a consistent sense of self-worth and self-esteem, which helps them face challenges with resilience.

Additionally, they excel at setting boundaries and asserting their needs due to their clear understanding of what they want and what they are willing to accept. They may also have a talent for fulfilling their own and others' desires, whether through creative expression or physical activity, and are devoted to those they care about.


However, they may struggle with the idea of surrender or letting go, as they tend to rely on their own willpower rather than allowing things to unfold naturally. They may also struggle with feeling like they constantly need to prove themselves, which can lead to burnout and exhaustion. Additionally, they may have a tendency to prioritize their own needs and desires over those of others, which can lead to selfishness and a lack of empathy.

Undefined Heart Center


Individuals with an undefined or open heart center possess a natural gift for empathy and sensitivity towards the emotions and needs of others. They can easily adapt to the emotional environment around them, making them adept at creating harmonious relationships and mediating conflicts. They tend to be nurturing and compassionate, often prioritizing the needs of others over their own.


However, the open Heart Center can also bring challenges. These individuals may struggle with establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries, leading to feelings of being drained or taken advantage of by others. They may also feel a deep sense of insecurity and a need for external validation, as they lack a consistent and stable source of inner authority and confidence.

This can lead to a tendency to seek approval and recognition from others, or to compare themselves unfavorably to those with a defined Heart Center who seem more self-assured and confident in their direction and purpose. Additionally, an open Heart Center can make these individuals vulnerable to feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy, especially if they internalize the expectations and judgments of others.

The Spleen Center

The Spleen Center is located on the left side of the body and is considered the oldest of all the centers in the Human Design chart, as it relates to our primal survival instincts. The energy of the Spleen Center is all about living in the moment and being responsive to the present situation, rather than relying on past experiences or future expectations.

This center governs our intuition, instincts, and our senses, including our ability to taste, smell, hear, see and feel. It also holds our fears and anxieties related to survival, such as fear of the unknown, fear of death, and fear of not being safe. When this center is activated, it can bring a sense of urgency and alertness, as well as heightened sensitivity to the environment. The Spleen Center is considered a motor center, which means that when it is defined, it can provide consistent physical energy to the body.

The Spleen Center

Defined Spleen Center


Individuals who have a defined spleen center in their human design chart are attuned to their intuition and are acutely aware of their own mortality. They are often very in tune with their physical bodies and their senses, and may have an enhanced sense of smell or taste.

They may also have a strong sense of instinct and are able to make quick decisions based on their gut feelings. They are often resilient and able to adapt to changes in their environment easily. They may have a natural ability to identify potential dangers and take precautions to avoid them. Additionally, they may be very proactive about their health and wellness, taking measures to maintain their physical and emotional wellbeing.


However, because they may be more acutely aware of potential dangers, individuals with a defined spleen center may also be prone to anxiety or fear. They may worry excessively about their health or safety, and may struggle with feelings of hypochondria or paranoia.

They may also be prone to making impulsive decisions based on their instincts, which can sometimes lead to risky behavior or poor judgment. In addition, they may struggle with accepting change or uncertainty, as this can trigger feelings of fear and anxiety related to their survival.

Undefined Spleen Center


People with an open or undefined spleen center have a heightened sensitivity to their environment and a tendency to take risks. They possess a unique perspective and adaptability, along with a deeper understanding of the importance of self-care.

They also have the gift of sensing other people's emotions and fears, allowing them to be empathetic and spontaneous problem-solvers. They may have a heightened intuition and the ability to absorb and transmute the energy of others, making them natural healers and nurturers. Overall, their heightened sensitivity and awareness offer unique insights and perspectives.


The openness of the spleen center can make individuals more susceptible to fears and worries, leading to feelings of anxiety or nervousness. They may struggle with decision-making and have a tendency to overanalyze risks, which can result in paralysis by indecision.

Additionally, they may prioritize the needs of others over their own and struggle with self-care. Individuals with an open spleen center may experience intense fears related to survival and health, which may manifest as hypochondria or an obsession with safety. This fear and anxiety can also cause vulnerability and uncertainty, making decision-making and trusting intuition challenging.

The Sacral Center

The Sacral Center is located in the lower abdomen area of the body graph, and it's responsible for the vital life force energy that powers us to create, initiate, and generate momentum. It's the motor that drives our passions, desires, and creativity, giving us the courage to take risks, overcome obstacles, and achieve our goals.

The sacral center is also associated with pleasure, sexuality, and emotional expression, allowing us to experience the joys of life and connect with others on a deep, intimate level. Its energy is cyclical, ebbing and flowing like the tides, and it requires rest and renewal to maintain its stamina and staying power. Over 70% of the population has a defined Sacral Center, which automatically makes them a Generator or Manifesting Generator. To learn more about each Human Design type, click here.

The Sacral Center

Defined Sacral Center


Individuals with a defined sacral center possess a reliable source of life force energy, allowing them to sustain high levels of productivity and physical activity. They have a deep sense of vitality and take pleasure in simple joys.

They are courageous, determined, and unafraid to tackle challenges head-on. Their unwavering energy can motivate those around them and lead to material success. They are highly attuned to their own desires, which can result in a fulfilling life.


However, their strong life force energy and drive can also lead to burnout and exhaustion if they don't learn to balance their work and rest.

They may also struggle with overworking and sacrificing their own needs for the sake of productivity. Additionally, their strong attachment to their work and the pleasure that comes from accomplishment can make it difficult for them to prioritize other areas of their life, such as relationships and personal growth.

Undefined Sacral Center


People with an open or undefined sacral center possess a unique gift for flexibility, adaptability, and creativity. They can work at their own pace without feeling the pressure to keep up with others and can easily adjust to changes in their environment or situations.

However, they may find it challenging to maintain a consistent level of energy and motivation, as they absorb the energetic rhythms of those around them. Additionally, they may struggle with overcommitting and establishing healthy boundaries, making it difficult for them to assert their own desires and needs.


Open or undefined sacral center individuals may struggle with maintaining energy levels as they absorb the energy of those around them, leading to over commitment and burnout, and difficulty setting boundaries. They may also have a passive approach to decision-making and struggle to assert their own desires. Additionally, societal pressure to constantly be productive can cause feelings of inadequacy, and the lack of a steady flow of sacral energy may make it challenging to initiate action and find motivation.

The Emotional Solar Plexus Center

The Emotional Solar Plexus Center is located on the right lower side of the body graph and is connected to the emotional body. It is one of the four motors in the human design chart and is responsible for generating energy to initiate action. The energy of the Emotional Solar Plexus is cyclical, meaning it operates in waves of highs and lows. This center can amplify and magnify emotional experiences, making the person more sensitive to their own and others' emotions.

The Emotional Solar Plexus is also connected to creativity and can provide emotional wisdom when approached from a place of awareness and acceptance. However, when approached from a place of reactivity, the energy of this center can lead to mood swings, emotional instability, and difficulty in decision-making. Around 50% of the population has their Emotional Center defined, which automatically gives them an Emotional Inner Authority. To learn more about each Human Design Authorities, click here.

The Emotional Center

Defined Emotional Center


Individuals with a defined emotional solar plexus center have a reliable emotional wave, which allows them to deeply experience and understand emotions. They are known for their sensitivity and empathy, and are able to connect with others on a deep emotional level.

They possess a high level of emotional intelligence, which allows them to articulate their own feelings and understand the nuances of others' emotions. This emotional depth also fuels their creativity, making them highly innovative and artistic. They are able to use their emotional energy to create meaningful work and express themselves in unique ways.

Furthermore, their emotional intelligence makes them effective counselors and therapists, as they are able to hold space for others' emotions without judgment.


Individuals with a defined Emotional Solar Plexus may find that their emotional waves can be intense and difficult to manage. This can lead to mood swings and feeling overwhelmed by their emotions, which can affect both themselves and those around them.

They may also struggle with being overly emotional or dramatic, sometimes creating unnecessary conflicts or drama. Furthermore, they may have difficulty disconnecting from other people's emotions, leading them to take on the emotional burdens of others. In some situations, they may also have strong emotional reactions that can be difficult to control or regulate.

Undefined Emotional Center


Individuals with an open emotional center have a natural ability to connect with and empathize with others, making them great sources of emotional support and guidance. They are highly intuitive and creative, often able to channel their emotions into their artistic pursuits.

Because they are not subject to the predictable emotional waves of those with a defined emotional center, they may have a wider range of emotional experiences and a greater capacity for empathy. They may also be skilled at seeing multiple perspectives and mediating conflicts, as they are not bound by their own fixed emotional patterns.


Individuals with an undefined or open emotional center may experience challenges with regulating their own emotions, leading to difficulties in expressing their feelings and feeling overwhelmed by intense emotional experiences. They can also absorb the emotional energy of others, leading to confusion about their own emotional state and making it challenging to navigate their emotional landscape. As a result, they may struggle with making decisions and experiencing emotional consistency.

This can result in feeling insecure or uncertain in their emotional responses and lack confidence in themselves and their decisions. Additionally, they may be prone to emotional exhaustion or burnout due to taking on the emotional energy of others. Some may also have a tendency to repress their emotions to avoid discomfort.

The Root Center

The Root Center is located at the bottom of the body graph and is responsible for our energy, drive, and ambition. It provides us with a consistent source of adrenaline that fuels us to take action and make things happen. People with a defined Root Center tend to have a strong work ethic and a clear sense of direction, while those with an undefined or open Root Center may struggle with pacing themselves and finding the motivation to initiate action.

Additionally, they may feel pressure to take action before they are ready and may have difficulty managing their time and setting boundaries. The Root Center can be a source of great energy and drive, but it can also lead to burnout and exhaustion if not managed properly.

The Root Center

Defined Root Center


Those with a defined root center tend to have a strong work ethic and a desire to be productive. They are comfortable with physical demands and have a lot of physical energy, which can allow them to handle challenging tasks and situations with ease.

However, their high energy levels may also lead them to overwork themselves or neglect self-care. While they are generally good at handling stress and pressure, they may also experience burnout if they do not take the time to rest and recharge.


However, the shadow side of having a defined root center is that they can become addicted to the adrenaline rush of constantly being under pressure, leading to burnout and exhaustion.

They may also become impatient with those who don't share their level of drive and motivation, and may push themselves and others too hard. Additionally, they may have difficulty slowing down and relaxing, which can lead to a lack of balance in their lives.

Undefined Root Center


Individuals with an undefined or open root center possess the talent of being able to adjust to various circumstances and be adaptable since they do not have a fixed method of dealing with stress and pressure. They can be more resilient in their way of life and may have a better capacity to handle stress than those with a defined root center.

They may also offer a calming influence to others who feel anxious or under pressure. Furthermore, their openness to different perspectives and experiences can lead to creativity and innovative thinking.


Individuals with an undefined or open root center may struggle with motivation and decision-making, which can lead to stagnation, burnout, and mistakes. Without clear boundaries or structure, time management can be challenging, and they may experience overwhelm or procrastination.

Unlike those with a defined root center, they lack a consistent source of adrenaline or stress, making pacing and rest difficult to manage. They may also take on the stress of others, leading to a constant feeling of pressure or stress.


In conclusion, exploring and understanding the different centers in the Human Design chart can be a valuable tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

By recognizing the unique frequencies and characteristics of each center, we can gain deeper insight into our strengths, challenges, and potential areas for growth.

Whether a center is defined or undefined, it holds a range of shadows and gifts that can impact our lives and shape our experiences. By embracing our authentic selves and learning to work with the energy of our centers, we can lead more fulfilling and purposeful lives.

So take some time to dive into your Human Design chart and discover the magic that lies within!

To learn more about the work of the Creator of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu, click here.

human designhuman design centershead centercrown centerajna centerthird eye centerthroat centeridentity centerg centerheart centerego centerspleen centersacral centeremotional solar plexus centeremotional centersolar plexus centerroot centerdefined centerundefined center
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Crystal Renae

Certified Master Mindset, Spirituality, and Life Purpose Coach. Self-Taught Human Design and Tarot Reader. Energetic Healer.

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