Empowering Conscious Digital Entrepreneurs

Infuse your Human Design + Gene Keys into your Purpose-Aligned Brand, Digital Offer + Marketing Message

empowering conscious Digital Entrepreneurs

Infuse your Human Design + Gene Keys into your Purpose-Aligned Brand, Digital Offer + Marketing Message

Unlock Your Soul's Impact With a Free Human Design Chart for Conscious Digital Entrepreneurs

Discover The Archetypal Energy Of Your Authentic Self In Your Business and Your Brand!

I help Conscious Digital Entrepreneurs become magnetic to their Soul-Aligned clients with Passion, Confidence, and Authenticity by embodying all of who they are in their brand!

Ready to Go On a Soul Exploration Journey?

The Impact X Design Free Workshop

Learn the foundations of creating a Soul-Aligned Brand that FEELS like you, based on your Human Design, so that you can show up confidently in your brand and business.

This FREE 5-Day Branding Workshop will guide you through understanding your unique energetic gifts, your purpose according to your Human Design Incarnation Cross, and create core values in alignment with who you are at a soul level, so that you can magnetize your Dream Clients with authenticity.

We begin on March 11th! Go ahead and sign up now and get excited about creating your Soul-Aligned Brand!

The Conscious Code Collective Membership

Uncover the energetic blueprint of your brand, align with your unique strengths, and receive tailored guidance on attracting your ideal audience.

Discover all 64 Human Design Gates and how to embody your gifts and embrace your shadows, both in your brand and in your life.

This report serves as a powerful tool for conscious women entrepreneurs looking to infuse their brand with authenticity and resonance.

Discover the healing power of understanding yourself on a much more intimate level. The Conscious Code Collective Membership is the most thorough break down of your Human Design aspects that you'll ever need.

Soul Brand Alchemy Group Program

A comprehensive and holistic branding program designed exclusively for Conscious Women Entrepreneurs.

Soul Brand Alchemy takes you on a transformative journey, integrating Human Design insight with strategic brand development.

Explore your soul archetypes, align with your purpose, and create an authentic brand that attracts your ideal clients.

This program covers brand messaging, content marketing,, embodiment practices, providing a unique blend of strategic guidance and soulful alignment.

Unlock the Wisdom to Your Soul on the EmbodyMe Podcast

Embark on a transformative adventure with our Conscious Code Series, where we decode the essence of each Human Design Gate and Gene Key. Gain insights into your unique energy blueprint, navigate the shadows, and embrace the gifts within.

If you're ready to infuse your soul's purpose into everything you create in your business, I understand the feeling!

Your brand, digital offer, and marketing message should be a reflection of YOU, not some generic template. It's time to ditch the feeling of imposter syndrome or the need to conform to outdated strategies. It's time to authentically shine and magnetize those who your are meant to serve and impact on a soul level.

About Me

Hi Love, I'm Crystal Renae

As The Soul Brand Alchemist for Conscious Digital Entrepreneurs, I initiated a journey to raise the frequency of the planet through authentic brand work.

True clarity came when my passion project unexpectedly transformed into a soulful branding venture.

Witnessing my clients reconnect with their inner child, embrace their shadows, and express newfound creativity validated the profound impact of branding in their personal frequency.

Now, I combine my expertise in marketing from my corporate background as a Cable TV and Digital Advertising Account Executive for NBC and Comcast, and my profound passion and knowledge of Human Design and the Gene Keys to empower you on a transformative journey of self-discovery through personal branding.

If you wish you could show up more confidently in your brand, I completely understand...

Your brand should be a reflection of YOU, not some generic template. No more imposter syndrome or conforming to outdated rules. It's time to authentically shine and magnetize those who connect with your true authentic self.

About Me

Hi Love, I'm Crystal Renae

As a passionate guide for Conscious Women Entrepreneurs, I initiated a journey to raise the frequency of the planet through authentic brand work.

True clarity came when my passion project unexpectedly transformed into a soulful branding venture.

Witnessing my clients reconnect with their inner child and express newfound creativity validated the profound impact of branding in their personal frequency.

Now, I combine my expertise in marketing from my corporate background, and my profound passion and knowledge of Human Design and the Gene Keys to empower you on a transformative journey of self-discovery through personal branding.

Imagine a Roadmap Designed Just for You!

Here's a breakdown of my Soul Embodied Brand Method:


Purpose Discovery

Uncover the essence of your unique soul blueprint and weave it into your business and brand's core values, soul-aligned purpose, and purpose-aligned niche.

Embodied Expression Alignment

Create an aligned digital offer and marketing message that speaks directly to the hearts of your soul-aligned audience attracting them to your mission.




Immerse your unique essence into your visual identity and digital presence for a brand that's undeniably YOU, and impacting your soul-aligned clients.

It's about embodying who you truly are so that you are magnetic to your aligned clients, opportunities, and Partners in your brand and business!

click the link below to be among the Founding Members of this Soul Transformative Branding Journey!

Ready to Transform your Brand?

Become a founding Member of Soul Brand Alchemy!

click the link below to be among the Founding Members of this Soul Transformative Branding Journey!

Ready to Transform your Brand?

Become a founding Member of Soul Brand X design!


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Jane Smith

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Jane Smith

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