Ready to unlock the full potential of your purpose-aligned business based on your Human Design and Gene Keys—all without the overwhelm and frustration of navigating the branding and offer creation process alone?

Reclaim Your Authenticity And Impact, Elevating Your Purpose-Aligned Brand and Digital Offer To New Levels of Magnetism!


Say goodbye to not feeling like YOU in your brand and say hello to a unique, purpose-infused digital offer that magnetizes your soul-aligned audience with this Human Design Branding Method, ensuring that you stand out in a crowded market.

If you're a Conscious Creator or Digital Entrepreneur who knows that your brand does not reflect the big vision and mission you have and you just want your brand to feel like YOU on a soul level so that you can show up passionately and confidently in your business, this is for you!

You are already the Conscious Creator of your Brand!

The problem is that you haven't yet fully embodied your Divine Gifts, Impact, and Radiant Potential.

REAL TALK: If you're feeling disconnected from your brand, Incorporating your unique Human Design and Gene Keys essence isn't just another trend – it's the key to creating a brand and digital offer that resonates deeply with who you are at your core, empowering you to show up authentically and confidently in your business, and therefore attracting your soul-aligned clients on autopilot!

In fact, infusing these modalities into your brand is THE answer to creating a brand that truly feels like an authentic expression of who you are. And if that wasn’t reason enough to pay attention…

  • It's the best way to align with your soul's purpose and feel fulfilled, aligned, and in the highest, empowered version of yourself.

  • It guides you to make decisions from a place of alignment and authenticity, leading to a brand and offer that is in alignment your specific energy.

  • It helps create a sense of fulfillment and empowerment, allowing you to make a meaningful impact in the world while staying true to yourself.

Overall, embracing your Human Design and Gene Keys in your brand means stepping into your power and purpose with clarity and confidence, paving the way for success and fulfillment in every aspect of your business.

Right now you might be feeling disconnected from your big vision and purpose…

You may even feel lost and stuck in your business, causing you to freeze or not show up in your full authentic capacity.

You might be experiencing frustration with attracting the wrong clients or opportunities, and really wanting to create a purpose-aligned offer that reflects fulfills your soul's purpose but you're unable to do that because of a lack of clarity and guidance.

And all this:

  • Has probably got you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and maybe even a little uninspired.

  • And you might be frustrated with yourself because you know you're not embodying the impact you know you came here to make.

  • Or even worse? Feeling like an imposter in your business because your brand and digital offer doesn't align with who you REALLY are, so you show up as a version of you that doesn't feel like YOU.


What if I told you that there is a way to align your brand with your soul's purpose,
AND step into your authentic power AND attract soul-aligned clients effortlessly!?

Hi Love, I'm Crystal Renae, and for years I struggled to find my place in the digital business realm. I became certified in various niches within mindset and spirituality coaching but it never truly felt like ME every time I showed up in my brand.

I was hiding, delaying launches, and recreating courses because none of them felt truly aligned with the work I'm actually here to serve the collective.

The turning point came when I embraced my Human Design and specific Gene Keys and infused them into my business.

Diving deep into these modalities not only helped me understand my unique energy but also revealed my true calling: to integrate my passion for these modalities, my expertise and professional background in marketing, and my artistic eye to help conscious creators like you embody their authentic essence and create visually magnetic brands.

That is why I've dedicated myself to creating a transformative method that blends Human Design, Gene Keys, and modern marketing strategies into a comprehensive process tailored to address all the challenges you're facing when it comes to developing your brand and digital offer.

It's a holistic approach that not only infuses all of your unique essence into your soul-aligned brand but also serves as the key to unlocking the door to embodying the expression that your soul came here to experience.

Here are the three transformative phases that make Soul Brand Alchemy different from any other branding course:

Authentic Alignment

Dive deep into uncovering your unique soul archetypes, Human Design elements, and Gene Keys insights to understand your authentic self at a profound level and align your brand with your soul's purpose and values.



Embrace and infuse your authentic gifts, talents, and passions into your purpose-aligned offer, magnetize your soul-aligned audience based on your purpose and offer with passion and confidence.



Cultivate a magnetic brand identity that attracts soul-aligned clients effortlessly, positioning yourself as an authority in your niche and confidently sharing your purpose and message with those you came her to impact.

And I have taken ALL this knowledge, wisdom, and experience and poured it into Soul Brand Alchemy, to ensure that you can create your purpose-aligned digital offer without the frustration, overwhelm, or uncertainty that often comes with navigating the branding journey alone.

Imagine how it will feel...

  • To have a deep sense of clarity and confidence with every decision you make, you're guided by your inner wisdom and intuition, knowing that you're creating something truly impactful and aligned with your highest vision.

  • To finally show up feeling fully aligned with your purpose in your business and brand and show up as your authentic and confident self because your brand represents all of who you are, all of your natural capabilities, and an alignment with what your soul came here to serve to the collective!

  • You are attracting aligned clients into your space, products, or services on a regular basis because you're showing up courageously and passionately in your purpose because your brand finally represents the impact you came here to make!

  • To connect with your dream clients effortlessly, each interaction filled with resonance and alignment. Imagine the sense of ease and flow as you attract opportunities that perfectly align with your purpose, knowing that you're stepping into the highest expression of yourself and your brand.

  • To gain clients after you fully align with your Human Design and Gene Keys Gifts and realize that what your soul has been calling you to do is actually written within your unique energetic blueprint! Magnetizing amazing opportunities, growth, and clients that feel like your soul family.

  • To stand confidently in your power, fully embodied and aligned with your brand's essence. Feel the sense of empowerment and liberation as you express yourself authentically, knowing that you're creating a ripple effect of positive change in the world with every action you take.

If it sounds pretty damn good, then…

I invite you to:

Soul Brand Alchemy

The Human Design and Gene Keys Branding Course with Lifetime Access

Create a Brand that actually FEELS LIKE YOU on a Soul Level with the Alchemical Magic of your Human Design and Gene Keys Blueprint

Here's what's inside:

The Soul Brand Oasis

Valued at $2,997

Say goodbye to scattered resources and overwhelm!

The Soul Brand Oasis membership portal is here to support you with easy access to all essential resources, trainings, and guidance, plus additional features, allowing you to streamline your branding journey.

Eternal Branding Access

Unlimited Value

Say goodbye to feeling restricted by time constraints in your branding journey!

The Lifetime Access to the Online Membership Portal and the Support Group is here to support you with unlimited access to resources and support whenever needed in the future, allowing you to continuously grow, learn, and evolve your brand at your own pace.

Conscious Creators Community

Unlimited Value

Say goodbye to feeling along on your branding journey!

The Membership community and community chat are here to support you with ongoing connection, collaboration, and support from like-minded entrepreneurs.

Connect with other conscious creators, share experiences, and receive valuable feedback and support from a supportive community dedicated to your growth and success.

Allow me to take you on a Journey through my Brand Embodiment Method:

Phase One - Authentic Alignment

Embody Your Brand Identity and Infuse Your Soul's Purpose Into Your Brand

Module 1:

Confidence Catalyst

The Secret to Embodying Your Brand Identity with Confidence

Transform from feeling like an imposter to empowered!

This Module will help you:

  • Set Clear Intentions: Identify your purpose, tune into your intuition, and start taking aligned action.

  • Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Break free from self-doubt, build courage, and boost your confidence.

  • Clarify Your Brand Identity: Understand your core values, beliefs, and actions to create a cohesive brand environment.

You're Getting :

  • Purpose Clarity: Gain a deep understanding of your brand's purpose and identity, providing clarity on your mission and direction in the marketplace.

  • Self-Awareness: Develop a heightened sense of self-awareness, allowing you to recognize and navigate imposter syndrome and other challenges with confidence and resilience.

  • Intuitive Guidance: Learn to tune into your inner guidance and intuition, enabling you to make aligned decisions and take inspired action in your branding journey.

    And so much more!

By the end of this module, you’ll have the confidence and clarity to embody your brand identity fully, setting a strong foundation for authentic and empowered brand leadership.

Module 2:

Soul Discovery

Understand Your Energetic Gifts Through Human Design and Gene Keys

Transform from conditioned to aligned in your soul's mission.

This module will help you:

  • Discover Your Soul’s Energy: Understand your Human Design Energy Type, Strategy, and Authority for decision-making in business.

  • Express Your Soul’s Essence: Know your Human Design Centers’ Energy, express through your Human Design Channels, and differentiate your Energetic Voices.

  • Unlock Your Soul’s Gifts: Identify your Prime Gifts in your Genius Sequence, Attraction Factor, and Soul’s Work through Vocation, Pearl, and North Node. Express your Brand through your Moon and Mercury.

You're Getting:

  • Deep Self-Awareness: Gain profound insights into your soul's journey and unlock hidden aspects of your personality and life's purpose through exploration of Gene Keys and Human Design, which empowers you to make aligned decisions and take intentional actions in both your personal and professional life.

  • Clarity and Direction: Explore key aspects of Human Design such as Type, Strategy, and Authority, providing you with a roadmap to navigate your unique design and decision-making process so that you can align your actions with your authentic essence, leading to greater fulfillment and success in your entrepreneurial journey.

  • Unlock your true essence and harness it to create a brand that authentically reflects who you are, leading to deeper connections with your audience, more fulfilling interactions in your business, and ultimately, the realization of your soul's higher calling.

    And so much more!

By the end of this module, you’ll have a deeper understanding of your soul's journey, unlocking hidden insights about your life's purpose and unique design, enabling you to embody your gifts and infuse them into your brand.

Module 3:

Purpose Portal

Identify Your Soul’s Purpose According to Your Energetic Gifts, Passions, and Interests

Transform from confusion to clarity in how your soul came here to serve at a higher level.

This module will guide you to:

  • Discover Personality Themes: Leverage your energetic and personality insights to enhance your brand's authenticity and connection with your audience.

  • Explore Your Passions and Talents: Unlock your natural gifts and interests to fuel your brand with genuine passion, attracting like-minded clients and opportunities.

  • Gain Clarity in Purpose: Embrace your shadows and weaknesses to turn them into strengths, and crystallize the ultimate WHY to drive your brand's mission with unwavering confidence.

You're Getting:

  • Prime Soul Gifts Identification: Identify Prime Soul Gifts from Human Design and Gene Keys, acknowledging major life triumphs, natural talents, strengths, and professional expertise, which allows you to harness your strengths and expertise to amplify your brand's impact and resonance with your audience.

  • Passion and Interest Alignment: Explore interests, passions, desires, and professional skills to refine brand alignment with personal values and aspirations, ensuring authenticity in your brand expression, fostering deeper connection and engagement with your audience.

  • This newfound clarity will not only bring fulfillment to your work but also set you apart as a niche of one. You'll confidently move forward, knowing you're on the path to fulfilling your soul's purpose and creating a business and life that truly reflects who you are.

    And so much more!

By the end of this module, you’ll uncover the clarity and confidence needed to fully embrace your soul's purpose, find direction, and feel empowered to stand out authentically in your industry.

Phase Two - Embodied Presence

Develop Your Purpose-Aligned Offer, Soul-Aligned Clients, and Brand Messaging

Module 4:

Offer Oasis

Create Your Purpose-Aligned Offer Based On Your Human Design and Gene Keys

Transform from scattered to concise in the offer that you can sell with passion and confidence.

This module will empower you to:

  • Achieve Niche Alignment: Identify your target market, understand who you are meant to serve, and craft content that speaks directly to your ideal clients.

  • Master Offer Planning: Develop a comprehensive Soul Client Journey, understand what attracts your clients to your offer, and stage your offer for maximum impact.

  • Excel in Offer Creation: Build a detailed offer outline, develop phase outlines, and create compelling offer details including bonuses and scarcity elements to drive urgency and desire.

You're Getting:

  • Niche Alignment: Gain clarity on your target market, ensuring that you know exactly who you're serving and how to speak to them effectively.
    Connect with your audience on a deeper level, increasing engagement and conversion rates for your offers.

  • Strategic Offer Planning: Develop a soul client journey and understand what truly attracts clients to your offer, allowing you to position it effectively in the market. Stand out from competitors and effortlessly attract your ideal clients, leading to increased sales and brand credibility. memorable way.

  • Detailed Offer Creation: Craft a compelling offer outline with bonuses and scarcity elements, ensuring that your offer is irresistible to your target audience. Increase the perceived value of your offer, driving higher conversion rates and creating satisfied, repeat customers.

    And so much more!

By the end of this module, you’ll create an offer that resonates deeply with your audience, allowing you to stand out as a unique and impactful brand.

Effortlessly attract your ideal clients who are aligned with your mission and values, ensuring your offers are clear, compelling, and highly effective.

Module 5:

Aligned Audience

Know How to Attract Your Soul-Aligned Audience Based on Your Offer

Transform from attracting the wrong people to engaging with dream clients.

This module will empower you to:

  • Map the Customer Journey: Understand your audience's hierarchy of needs, identify their level of consciousness, and pinpoint the gap your brand serves.

  • Identify Your Dream Audience: Gain deep insights into their fears, frustrations, and beliefs, understand their current identity, actions, problems, and mistakes, and speak directly to their desires, goals, and dream identity.

  • Master Client Attraction: Communicate effectively with the right segments, polarize the wrong audience, and emotionally bond with your aligned audience.

You're Getting:

  • Levels of Consciousness Understanding: Understand the varying levels of consciousness of your ideal clients and how to connect with them authentically, allowing you to foster genuine relationships with your audience, leading to stronger connections and brand loyalty.

  • Soul Niche Identification: Identify your core niche based on your unique gifts, ensuring alignment with your soul's purpose and attracting clients who resonate with your offerings, enabling you to position yourself effectively in the market and attract clients who align with your values and vision.

  • Dream Avatar Creation: Create a detailed profile of your dream avatar, including their goals, dreams, needs, problems, symptoms, and mistakes, to understand their motivations and challenges deeply, allowing you to tailor your products/services and marketing efforts to address the specific needs and pain points of your ideal clients, increasing conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

    And so much more!

By the end of this module, you’ll be able to attract and engage with your ideal clients authentically, leading to deeper connections and increased conversions.

Your brand will resonate deeply with your audience's needs, desires, and aspirations, ensuring a loyal and engaged client base.

Module 6:

Messaging Magic

Craft Your Compelling Brand Stories Based On Your Aligned Offer and Audience

From unknown to captivating, captivate your audience's attention, build trust, and ultimately compel them to take action and invest in your products or services.

This Module will guide you to:

  • Develop Your Butterfly Belief: Develop your core brand message - the Butterfly Belief - encapsulating your brand's essence and transformational journey.

  • Create Brand Relevance: Define your brand's mission, vision, and objectives, ensuring alignment with your audience's needs and aspirations.

  • Craft Your Brand Stories: Harness the power of storytelling to convey your brand's character, essence, and tone, establishing emotional connections with your audience and guiding them towards desired outcomes.

You're Getting:

  • Compelling Storytelling Techniques: Explore various storytelling techniques to connect with the audience on an emotional level, including origin stories, narratives of overcoming challenges, and stories reflecting the brand's journey and transformation, enhancing engagement and relatability.

  • Emotional Appeal Strategies: Learn how to evoke emotions in messaging to resonate with the target audience, addressing their emotional needs and desires effectively, fostering deeper connections and loyalty.

  • Comprehensive Content Strategy: Develop a comprehensive content strategy encompassing various types of media and platforms to engage the audience effectively, including planning content creation, distribution, and promotion strategies, ensuring consistent and impactful brand messaging.

    And so much more!

By the end of this module, you'll master the art of crafting compelling brand stories that captivate your audience's attention, differentiate your brand and your offer, build trust, and ultimately compel them to take action.

Phase Three - Magnetic Impact

Create A Visually Compelling Brand Identity

Module 7:

Visual Vibe

Infuse your Soul Essence into your Brand's Visual Identity

From chaos to consistency in your soul-aligned audience's recognition of your brand.

This Module will help you to:

  • Identify your Brand Archetypes, Style, Textures, and Design: ensuring every visual aspect reflects your essence. Set yourself apart and deeply resonate with your audience, fostering stronger connections and brand loyalty.

  • Create your Brand's Guidelines: Use Mood Board techniques in Pinterest and Canva, and develop your Personal Style and wardrobe. Ensure consistency and cohesiveness, enhancing your brand's impact and memorability.

  • Develop Your Brand's Assets: Learning Canva Design Basics, creating Brand Templates, and crafting Aligned Digital Assets. Master skills to create visually compelling content, elevating your brand presence and driving meaningful engagement.

You're Getting:

  • Strategic Visual Communication: Define specific objectives and goals for your brand visuals, aligning them with your overall brand strategy and messaging to ensure consistency and clarity in your visual communication.

  • Symbolic Integration: Understand the symbolic meaning behind different visual elements and strategically incorporate them into your brand visuals to evoke specific emotions or convey key messages, enhancing brand memorability and impact.

  • Brand Recognition Enhancement: Design or refine your brand logo, select cohesive color palettes, and choose appropriate fonts and visual elements to strengthen brand recognition and recall, establishing a strong visual presence for your brand.

    And so much more!

By the end of this module, you'll have a visually stunning brand identity that authentically represents your unique energy and essence, empowering you to confidently showcase your true self through your brand and stand out in your industry.

Module 8:

Content Compass

Develop your Content Creation System Based on your Offer and Your Audience

From overwhelm to magnetism in creating content that magnetizes your soul-aligned clients on autopilot.

This Module will guide you to:

  • Identify your Audience Segments: Consciousness Levels, determination, and Communication Guidelines creation. Attract and engage with your dream clients authentically, leading to deeper connections and increased conversions.

  • Develop your Magnetic Content: to attract like-hearted audience, to nurture your community, and to convert your aligned audience. Align your content strategy with your audience's needs and desires, fostering meaningful interactions and driving tangible results.

  • Create an Evergreen Content System: Deciding your Media Mix and Content Platforms. Streamline your content creation process, ensuring consistent delivery and engagement across all channels, and increasing brand visibility and audience engagement.

You're Getting:

  • Strategic Content Planning: Gain insights into The Content Compass System and learn how to utilize it effectively to plan and organize your content strategy, ensuring alignment with your brand objectives and audience needs.

  • Audience Engagement Strategies: Identify the three types of audience (cold, warm, and hot) and master strategies to engage each type along the customer journey, fostering sustained interaction and conversion.

  • Content Creation Mastery: Explore the art of crafting heart, throat, and crown content to captivate, nurture, and convert your audience effectively. Learn techniques for creating captivating, value-added, and persuasive content tailored to different stages of the buyer's journey.

    And so much more!

Understanding the System Breakdown, creating an Evergreen Content system, and deciding your Media Mix and Content Platforms.

Streamline your content creation process, ensuring consistent delivery and engagement across all channels, and increasing brand visibility and audience engagement.

Module 9:

Launchpad Legacy

Launch your Purpose-Aligned Brand Offer to Your Soul-Aligned Audience

Bring your purpose-aligned brand offer to life, transforming misalignment into conversion.

Here's what awaits you:

  • Daily Operations: Aligned Choices guidance, identification of your Perfect Work Day and Daily Task Outline creation, and development of your aligned schedule. Make informed decisions, stay on track, and address challenges with confidence, ensuring smooth operations and progress towards your goals.

  • Development of your Launch Plan: creation of your Launch Assets, and launch and activation of your aligned offer. Strategically plan and execute your brand launch, maximizing impact and ensuring a successful introduction of your offer to the world.

  • Celebration of your Courage: identification of wins, and determination of areas for improvement and shift. Reflect on your journey, acknowledge your achievements, and set the stage for continued growth and success.

You're Getting:

  • Alignment with Brand Vision and Values: Finally embody all of your soul's purpose and mission as you begin to step into full alignment with your authentic self.

  • The Official Launch of your Purpose-Aligned Offer: Finally launch your offer with confidence and clarity, magnetizing your soul-aligned audience to your brand like moths to a flame.

  • Recommitment to Brand Purpose and Mission: Reflecting on your brand's purpose and mission empowers your to recommit to showing up authentically and courageously, magnetizing your ideal clients and opportunities to your business.

    And so much more!

By the end of this module, you'll have successfully launched your purpose-aligned brand offer, celebrated your achievements, and set the stage for continued growth and success.

This milestone marks the beginning of your legacy, as you continue to make a meaningful impact in your industry and beyond.

Get All of this today with Lifetime Access for Only $1197

Payment Plans Available


Transformative Approach + Invaluable Experience

I recently completed a 4-week course with Consciously Crystal, and it was truly life-changing. Crystal's expertise in Human Design and the Gene Keys, combined with her personal branding knowledge, made the course an invaluable experience.

Crystal created a supportive environment where I felt comfortable exploring my soul's purpose and aligning it with my business. Her guidance and feedback were invaluable, and I felt seen and supported throughout the course.

The course materials were comprehensive, and Crystal's passion for empowering conscious creators shone through. By the end of the course, I gained clarity, honed my brand messaging, and developed a deep sense of authenticity.

I highly recommend Consciously Crystal's courses to anyone looking to align their brand with their true self. Crystal's transformative approach will empower you to attract your ideal audience and opportunities.

Thank you, Crystal, for the profound impact you had on my journey.

- Helen

Tailored Advice For My Personal Blueprint

I had just decided to rebrand my business and was seeking guidance with alignment for who I really am in order to attract my dream clients. Crystal has been amazing!

In reading about my soul essence, I was in tears! So many things started to make sense for me.

Courses I had done previously and paid top money for were not giving me tailored advice for my personal blueprint.

One example was that I was always advised to find a niche and yet in my report from Crystal I am the type that doesn’t need to do that!

What a relief!

Crystal's knowledge and desire to help all succeed has been exactly what I’ve been waiting for.

I am extremely excited to weave all of this wisdom in!

- Michelle

But Wait... I Haven't Even Mentioned The Bonuses Yet!


The Conscious Code Collective Membership

This 12 Months of Free Access to my Human Design Membership gives you the secret to
simplify your Human Design learning journey, allowing you to access comprehensive insights into every facet of your energetic blueprint effortlessly.

By understanding every element of your Human Design in-depth, you'll feel liberated from uncertainty and doubt, allowing you to express yourself authentically and attract opportunities that resonate with your soul.


The Divine Alignment Method Course

This Confidence Course gives you the keys to
excavate deep-seated limiting beliefs
, untangle them from your subconscious, and empower yourself with new, liberating beliefs.

Wake up feeling empowered and confident in your abilities, approach tasks with a renewed sense of vigor and determination.

You attract opportunities that align with your true desires, and you seize them with confidence and enthusiasm..


The Template Treasure Box Vault

This 12 Months of Free access Canva and Chat GPT Prompt Template Vault holds the keys to customize and create stunning brand assets and promotional materials in minutes.

By simplifying the process and providing easy-to-use templates and prompts, you'll free up valuable time to focus on what truly matters: fulfilling your purpose and making a meaningful impact in your business and beyond.

Here's a Quick Reminder of Everything You'll Gain Access to in Soul Brand Alchemy:

  • The Soul Brand Oasis ($2,997 Value): Dive into a rich resource of templates, step-by-step guides, and in-depth training videos designed to empower you with the knowledge to build a soul-aligned brand.

  • Eternal Branding Access (Limitless Value): Join a community of like-minded creators for lifelong support, collaboration, and inspiration on your branding journey.

  • Confidence Catalyst: This transformative module is designed to empower you in connecting with your intentions, overcoming imposter syndrome, and stepping into your power.

  • Soul Discovery: Gain a deeper understanding of your soul's journey and unlock hidden insights about your life's purpose and unique Human Design and Gene Keys so that you can embody your gifts and infuse them into your brand.

  • Purpose Portal: Uncover the clarity and confidence needed to fully embrace your soul's purpose, find clarity in your direction and feel empowered to stand out authentically in your industry, based directly on your passions, expertise, and energetic gifts.

  • Offer Oasis: Create an offer that resonates deeply with your audience, stand out as a unique and impactful brand, and effortlessly attract your ideal clients who are aligned with your mission and values, directly aligned with your Human Design and Gene Keys.

  • Aligned Audience: Attract and engage with your ideal clients authentically, leading to deeper connections and increased conversions, ensuring that your brand resonates deeply with their needs, desires, and aspirations, derived specifically from your soul's purpose.

  • Messaging Magic: Captivate your audience's attention, build trust and rapport effortlessly, and ultimately compel them to take action and invest in your products or services, ensuring that you are speaking directly to your soul-aligned clients.

  • Visual Vibe: Captivate your audience's attention, craft a visual identity that authentically represents your unique energy and essence, setting you apart from the competition and allowing you to confidently showcase your true self through your brand.

  • Content Compass: Steal my strategic content planning and organization tool, ensuring consistent delivery and engagement across all platforms, leading to increased brand visibility and audience engagement, all based on your unique Human Design and Gene Keys energetic gifts, values, and essence.

  • Launchpad Legacy: Authentically embody all of your unique essence and effectively launch your purpose-aligned offer, magnetizing your ideal audience with confidence and clarity, expanding your soul's impact and gifts you came to share with your tribe.

  • BONUS 1: 12 Months Free Access to The Conscious Code Collective Membership ($564 Value): Immerse yourself in the world of Human Design and Gene Keys, unlocking new dimensions of understanding and application in your brand.

  • BONUS 2: The Divine Alignment Method Mini-Course ($497 Value): Equip yourself with powerful strategies to overcome personal barriers and align your actions with your deepest aspirations.

  • BONUS 3: 12 Months Free Access to The Template Treasure Box Vault ($594 Value): Streamline your content creation process, ensuring your brand's message captivates and converts.

Total Value:

But today, you're getting all of this...


Payment Plans Available

Transform Your Soul-Aligned Brand with Soul Brand Alchemy

So why am I the right person to be helping you with this transformation?

Hey Love! I'm Crystal Renae. Let me share a little bit about my journey with you.

I was once exactly where you are now, feeling lost and disconnected from my brand and business. Despite pouring my heart and soul into it, something just didn't feel right.

I struggled with imposter syndrome, constantly questioning if I was truly expressing my authentic self through my brand.

But through a journey of self-discovery and personal growth within Human Design and Gene Keys, I found my way back to myself.

I dove deep into exploring my values, passions, and purpose, and gradually, my brand began to reflect the true essence of who I am.

This transformation wasn't easy, but it was incredibly rewarding. It not only brought clarity and alignment to my brand but also opened up a world of opportunities I never imagined possible.

It was this profound experience that inspired me to create Soul Brand Alchemy. I realized that there are so many other creators out there struggling with the same challenges I faced.

And I knew I had to share the tools, strategies, and insights that helped me find my way back to my authentic self.

My mission is to empower you to create a brand that not only resonates with your soul but also attracts the opportunities and connections that you desire.

I believe in the power of authenticity, and I'm here to support you every step of the way on your journey to soul-aligned branding.

With Soul Brand Alchemy, you'll not only gain practical guidance and tools but also a supportive community to cheer you on as you navigate this transformative process.

Together, we'll unlock the true potential of your brand and create a meaningful impact in the world.

I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. Together, we'll create a brand that reflects the beauty of your soul and attracts abundance in all its forms.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey with me? Let's make magic happen together.


And in case you were worried - joining is risk-free!! You're protected by a Satisfaction Guarantee.

Here's my guarantee:

Enroll in the course, and if you're not completely satisfied with the content and results after completing the first phase, you can get a full refund within 14 days of purchase. If you happen to be on a payment plan, you can cancel at any time.

There's absolutely nothing to lose. You stand only to gain a newfound sense of clarity, confidence, and purpose in your brand identity, setting you on a path to success and fulfillment because the transformation within discovering your energetic design is inevitable.

But wait, "What if I don't have enough time to commit to this course?"

Here's why that's not the case:

The truth is, our course is designed to be flexible and accessible.

With bite-sized modules and practical exercises, you can progress at your own pace, fitting the learning into your schedule.

In fact, many of my clients have busy lives and still found immense value in the course.

Plus, with lifetime access, you can revisit the materials whenever it's convenient for you, ensuring you get the most out of the experience.

Are You Wondering If This Is The Perfect Fit For You?

  • Are you struggling to find clarity in your brand identity and connect with your target audience?

  • You know the importance of having a strong and resonant brand cannot be overstated. It's the foundation of your business's success and it's currently hindering your connection with your audience, your purpose, and your fulfillment in your business.

  • You may have some limitations that have held you back so far, such as feeling lost or stuck, or feeling like an imposter so you don't show up in your full power, or at all in your brand.

  • However, deep down, you desire a solution that will empower you to confidently express your brand's essence, attract your ideal clients, and propel your business forward based uniquely on your Human Design, tailored specifically to YOU.

  • You're ready to invest in yourself and your brand's future. You're committed to taking actionable steps toward realizing your brand's full potential. You're ready to embody the full potential of the impact you know you came here to make!


You have questions? Here are some answers:

Who is Soul Brand Alchemy for?

This program is perfect for digital entrepreneurs, online creatives, and anyone looking to align their brand with their soul's essence. Whether you're just starting out or looking to rebrand, if you want your brand to truly reflect who you are and attract your dream clients, this is for you.

What makes Soul Brand Alchemy different from other branding courses?

Unlike traditional branding courses that focus solely on visual identity or marketing strategies, Soul Brand Alchemy integrates Human Design and Gene Keys to create a brand that aligns with your authentic self. This holistic approach ensures your brand resonates deeply with both you and your audience. Not only are you creating a purpose-aligned brand, you are also creating your aligned offer, identifying your soul-aligned audience, and creating a powerful brand message that magnetizes them on autopilot.

How long do I have access to the course materials?

You'll enjoy lifetime access to all course materials, including the membership portal, video lessons, templates, and any future updates to the program as long as you don't cancel!

What if I’m new to Human Design and Gene Keys?

No problem! Soul Brand Alchemy is designed to be accessible to beginners in Human Design and Gene Keys. You'll receive comprehensive guidance to understand and apply these systems to your brand-building process.

Can I join if I don’t have a business yet?

Absolutely! The program is designed to help you at any stage of your journey. Whether you're crystallizing your brand idea or ready to rebrand an existing business, Soul Brand Alchemy will guide you towards creating a soul-aligned brand from the ground up.

What is the time commitment for the course?

While you can move at your own pace, we recommend setting aside 2-3 hours per week to watch the lessons, participate in the live sessions, and implement what you've learned. The program is designed to be comprehensive yet manageable, even for busy schedules.

I've tried branding before and felt overwhelmed. How is this different?

I get it, branding can feel like navigating a labyrinth. Soul Brand Alchemy simplifies this journey, breaking it down into bite-sized, manageable pieces. With my step-by-step guidance, you'll find the path to clarity and alignment, minus the overwhelm. It's like having a map to your soul's brand treasure!

Is there support if I get stuck or have questions?

Absolutely! You're not going on this adventure solo. With access to a private support group, you'll have all the guidance and camaraderie you need. It's like having a team of brand wizards at your beck and call.

How soon can I see results from implementing what I learn in Soul Brand Alchemy?

Imagine planting a seed and nurturing it. Some sprouts appear quicker than you'd expect, while others take a bit more time to break through the soil. Similarly, many creators notice immediate clarity and alignment, with tangible results unfolding as they apply the teachings to their brand. Your brand's bloom is on the horizon!

Why should I join now instead of waiting?

You're getting the lowest price that it is available and locking in at that price for the lifetime of the course, plus the chance to shape the course future. It's a unique opportunity to join a community of like-minded creators, all while ensuring your brand becomes a beacon of your soul's purpose. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second best time is now. Let's start branding!

One last crucial thing as we wrap up...

And it's this - no matter what you decide, whether you choose to add Soul Brand Alchemy to your arsenal of business tools or not...

DO NOT wait another day to take action.

Because you DON'T want to look back later and think "I missed out on so much growth and success - damn I wish I started sooner!" Like I did for too long.

Because Soul Brand Alchemy truly is your roadmap to clarity, confidence, and success. It’s your key to unlocking your brand's full potential. AND it’s the catalyst for the transformation you've been longing for, literally WAITING to elevate your brand to new heights.

And your role?

Is just to commit to taking action to make that happen.

It’s why this course now exists - to help YOU achieve your brand's dreams and aspirations.

And this is your invite to add this to your business toolkit today - and if you do, I can’t wait to witness your brand's incredible journey unfold.

With so much love, Crystal Renae

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