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Human Design Inner Authority Types

Discovering Your Human Design Authority: A Guide to Authentic Decision-Making

April 21, 202320 min read

“Your authority is not a rulebook, but a compass pointing you towards your inner truth.” - Anonymous


Are you looking to deepen your understanding of human design and unlock your full potential? One of the most important concepts in human design is authority, which refers to the source of your inner guidance and intuition. By understanding your authority and learning how to work with it, you can make better decisions and live a more authentic, empowered life.

There are seven different types of authority in human design, each with its own unique characteristics and strategies for decision-making. These authorities are: Emotional, Sacral, Splenic, Ego, Self-Projected, Mental, and Lunar. If you're unaware of what your specific Human Design Authority is, you can find out by getting your FREE Human Design chart by clicking here.

In this blog post series, we will explore each authority in depth, providing insights into how they work, how they affect decision-making, and how you can harness them to live a more fulfilling life. Whether you're new to human design or a seasoned practitioner, this series will help you deepen your understanding of this powerful system and unlock your true potential. So let's dive in and explore the fascinating world of human design authority!

Discovering Your Human Design Authority: A Guide to Authentic Decision-Making

With that said, here are 7 Human Design Authorities and why you should explore yours in depth to unlock your inner guidance and make decisions that align with your true self! 👊

1. Emotional Solar Plexus Authority

The Emotional Solar Plexus Authority is one of the seven authorities in Human Design. This authority is characterized by a powerful emotional center that governs decision-making. People with this authority experience intense emotional waves that can affect their moods, energy levels, and overall outlook on life.

The Emotional Solar Plexus Authority works by allowing individuals to fully experience and process their emotions before making a decision. This means that it's important for people with this authority to take their time and not rush into decisions. They need to allow themselves to ride out their emotional waves, which can last anywhere from a few hours to several days.

The Emotional Solar Plexus Authority can affect decision-making in a number of ways. For example, a person with this authority may feel very excited about a particular opportunity one day, only to feel completely disinterested the next day. This can be confusing and frustrating, but it's important to recognize that it's simply a part of the emotional process that comes with this authority.

It's also important to note that people with Emotional Solar Plexus Authority are not always in touch with their emotions. In fact, they may struggle with emotional repression or denial, which can lead to difficulty in decision-making. This is why it's so important for people with this authority to work on becoming more aware of their emotional states and learning how to process them in a healthy way.

Here's an example of how the Emotional Solar Plexus Authority can play out in real life: Let's say that someone with this authority is offered a new job. At first, they may feel very excited and enthusiastic about the opportunity, but as they process their emotions, they may begin to feel doubts and reservations. They may start to worry about the impact the new job will have on their personal life or whether they're truly qualified for the position. It's important for this person to take their time and allow themselves to fully experience these emotions before making a final decision.

I, personally, have Emotional Authority and I must admit, it is not my most favorite aspect of my Human Design Chart. The fact that I have to wait a day or 2 before I make decisions can be a little frustrating but I have had so many moments in my life where I said yes to something that was not aligned, only because I was in a high emotional wave and excited in that moment, only to wish that I had said no the next day, because I lost all enthusiasm for it. What I've learned while experimenting with my authority is to ask people to let me sleep on it any time I'm asked to do something that I can respond to. To learn more about my personal journey with Human Design, follow me on Instagram.

Overall, the Emotional Solar Plexus Authority is a powerful force that can guide decision-making in a profound way. By understanding and working with this authority, individuals can learn how to harness the power of their emotions and make decisions that are aligned with their true selves.

2. Sacral Authority

The Sacral Authority is one of the seven authorities in Human Design. This authority is characterized by a strong, gut-level response to decision-making. People with Sacral Authority have a deep sense of inner knowing that helps them make decisions quickly and confidently.

The Sacral Authority works by generating a sound, like "uh-huh" or "uh-uh", in response to a yes or no question. This sound is generated from the sacral center, located in the lower abdomen. People with Sacral Authority are able to tune in to this sound and use it to make decisions quickly and efficiently.

The Sacral Authority can affect decision-making in a number of ways. For example, a person with Sacral Authority may feel a strong sense of excitement and enthusiasm when presented with a new opportunity, which can be a sign that it's the right decision for them. Conversely, if they feel a sense of resistance or discomfort, it may be a sign that the decision is not in alignment with their true self.

It's important to note that people with Sacral Authority need to be asked yes or no questions in order to use their authority effectively. Open-ended questions or too many options can be overwhelming and lead to confusion. By asking clear, direct questions, people with Sacral Authority can tap into their inner knowing and make decisions with confidence.

Here's an example of how the Sacral Authority can play out in real life: Let's say that someone with Sacral Authority is considering whether to take on a new project at work. When asked a yes or no question about whether they should take on the project, they may generate the sound "uh-huh", indicating that it's the right decision for them. They may then feel a sense of excitement and energy as they move forward with the project.

As a Sacral being, I can see how this must be the easiest authority one can have. To feel that immediate disgust or excitement when being asked to respond to something is a true gift. Those with this authority are able to know immediately and very clearly whether something is aligned for them or not!

Overall, the Sacral Authority is a powerful force that can guide decision-making in a quick and efficient manner. By understanding and working with this authority, individuals can learn how to tap into their inner knowing and make decisions that are in alignment with their true selves.

3. Splenic Authority

The Splenic Authority is one of the seven authorities in Human Design. This authority is characterized by a deep sense of inner knowing and intuition that comes from the spleen center, located in the left lower abdomen. People with Splenic Authority have an instinctive sense of what's right for them in the moment, and they rely on this inner guidance to make decisions.

The Splenic Authority works by providing intuitive flashes of insight and sudden bodily sensations that help people with this authority navigate the world. These intuitive flashes can come in the form of gut feelings, hunches, or sudden insights that provide a clear sense of what to do or not to do. People with Splenic Authority often describe their decision-making process as being driven by their instincts and a deep sense of knowing.

The Splenic Authority can affect decision-making in a number of ways. For example, a person with Splenic Authority may suddenly feel a sense of unease or discomfort when presented with a decision that's not right for them. Conversely, they may feel a sudden sense of excitement or inspiration when presented with an opportunity that's in alignment with their true self.

It's important to note that people with Splenic Authority need to listen to their instincts and trust their intuition in order to make decisions effectively. They may not always be able to explain why they feel a certain way, but they should trust that their intuition is leading them in the right direction.

Here's an example of how the Splenic Authority can play out in real life: Let's say that someone with Splenic Authority is considering whether to take a new job offer. They may suddenly feel a sense of unease in their stomach when considering the offer, which could be a sign that it's not the right decision for them. Conversely, if they feel a sudden sense of inspiration and excitement, it may be a sign that the job is in alignment with their true self.

When it comes to the Splenic Authority, it's an inner knowing, or almost a whisper that you hear in the faintest voice. It's an immediate intuitive response that it either feels safe and healthy for you, or it doesn't, and it's something you have to tune into right away or you could miss it's guidance. It takes some practice being able to pick up on this intuitive knowing.

Overall, the Splenic Authority is a powerful force that can guide decision-making in a way that's intuitive and instinctual. By understanding and working with this authority, individuals can learn how to trust their inner guidance and make decisions that are in alignment with their true selves.

Your Authority is the intuition guide that lives with in you!

4. Egoic Authority

The Egoic Authority, also known as the Ago Authority, is one of the seven authorities in Human Design. This authority is characterized by a strong sense of inner will and determination that comes from the ego or heart center, located in the chest area. People with this authority rely on their inner sense of willpower and conviction to make decisions.

The Egoic Authority works by providing a sense of certainty and confidence in one's decisions. People with this authority have a strong inner voice that guides them towards what they want and what's in alignment with their true self. They may experience a sense of inner tension or pressure when faced with decisions that don't align with their will.

The Egoic Authority can affect decision-making in a number of ways. For example, a person with this authority may feel a sense of excitement and drive when presented with an opportunity that aligns with their inner sense of purpose. Conversely, they may feel a sense of resistance or apathy towards decisions that don't align with their inner will.

It's important to note that people with the Egoic Authority need to be mindful of their inner biases and desires when making decisions. They may be inclined to prioritize their own wants and needs over the needs of others, which can sometimes lead to selfish or egocentric decision-making.

Here's an example of how the Egoic Authority can play out in real life: Let's say that someone with Egoic Authority is considering whether to start their own business. They may feel a strong sense of excitement and conviction about this decision, and may be willing to take risks and make sacrifices to pursue this goal. On the other hand, if they are presented with an opportunity to work for someone else, they may feel a sense of resistance and reluctance, as it doesn't align with their inner sense of purpose and will.

Overall, the Egoic Authority is a powerful force that can guide decision-making in a way that's driven by inner will and determination. By understanding and working with this authority, individuals can learn how to balance their own desires with the needs of others and make decisions that are in alignment with their true selves.

5. Self-Projected Authority

The Self-Projected Authority is one of the seven authorities in Human Design. This authority is characterized by a strong sense of inner conviction and a deep understanding of oneself. People with this authority rely on their own inner voice to make decisions, and they may use talking, writing, or other forms of self-expression to help clarify their thoughts and feelings.

The Self-Projected Authority works by allowing individuals to tap into their own inner wisdom and intuition. People with this authority have a deep understanding of themselves and their own values, and they may need to talk through their thoughts and feelings in order to gain clarity on what they truly want.

The Self-Projected Authority can affect decision-making in a number of ways. For example, a person with this authority may need to take time to reflect and process their thoughts before making a decision. They may need to talk through their options with someone they trust, or they may need to write out their thoughts and feelings in a journal in order to gain clarity.

It's important to note that people with the Self-Projected Authority may struggle with making decisions when they don't have a clear sense of their own values or priorities. They may need to take time to explore their own inner landscape and get clear on what they truly want before making a decision.

Here's an example of how the self-projected authority can play out in real life: Let's say that someone with Self-Projected Authority is considering whether to accept a job offer. They may need to take time to reflect on their own values and priorities, and may need to talk through their thoughts and feelings with a trusted friend or advisor. Through this process of self-reflection and self-expression, they may come to a clear understanding of whether or not this job is truly in alignment with their goals and values.

In my unconscious design, I have a Self-Projected Authority, and I can see that play out in my life as I love to put myself in situations to see how I would handle something. I also say, "I would do this..." or "If it were me, I would..." This is how I process information or opportunities unconsciously. Although it is not my actual authority, I can highly resonate with it's process of decision making!

Overall, the Self-Projected Authority is a powerful tool for gaining clarity and insight into one's own thoughts, feelings, and values. By understanding and working with this authority, individuals can learn to make decisions that are truly in alignment with their true selves.

6. Mental Authority

The Mental Authority is one of the seven authorities in Human Design. This authority is characterized by a deep analytical ability and a need to think through decisions thoroughly before making a choice. People with this authority rely on their own mental processes to make decisions, and they may need to consider all the possible outcomes and consequences before coming to a conclusion.

The Mental Authority works by allowing individuals to use their intellect and reasoning skills to evaluate options and make decisions. People with this authority have a natural ability to analyze situations and consider all the possible outcomes, and they may need to take time to think through decisions thoroughly before coming to a conclusion.

The Mental Authority can affect decision-making in a number of ways. For example, a person with this authority may need to take time to research and gather information before making a decision. They may need to weigh the pros and cons of different options and consider all the possible outcomes before coming to a conclusion.

It's important to note that people with the Mental Authority may struggle with making decisions when they get stuck in their own analysis and overthinking. They may need to find ways to trust their own intuition and balance their mental processes with other factors, such as their emotions or bodily sensations.

Here's an example of how the Mental Authority can play out in real life: Let's say that someone with Mental Authority is considering whether to invest in a new business venture. They may need to gather information and research the market before making a decision, and they may need to consider all the possible outcomes and risks involved. Through this process of analysis and evaluation, they may come to a clear understanding of whether or not this investment is a wise decision.

Overall, the Mental Authority is a powerful tool for gaining clarity and insight into complex situations. By understanding and working with this authority, individuals can learn to make decisions that are based on careful analysis and consideration of all the available information.

7. Sounding Board Authority

The Sounding Board Authority is one of the seven authorities in Human Design. People with this authority require input and feedback from others before making a decision. They may need to talk through their ideas and concerns with others they trust to gain clarity and insight before feeling confident in their choice.

The Sounding Board Authority works by allowing individuals to bounce their ideas and thoughts off of others they trust. People with this authority may feel more comfortable processing their decisions by talking through them with others rather than relying solely on their own analysis or intuition.

The Sounding Board Authority can affect decision-making in a number of ways. For example, a person with this authority may seek the advice and input of others before making a decision. They may need to weigh the opinions and feedback of others to gain clarity and confidence in their choice.

It's important to note that people with the Sounding Board Authority may struggle with making decisions if they don't have trusted advisors or if they receive conflicting advice from others. They may need to find ways to discern whose advice to trust and to balance the input they receive with their own intuition.

Here's an example of how the Sounding Board Authority can play out in real life: Let's say that someone with sounding board authority is considering a new job offer. They may need to talk through the pros and cons of the opportunity with their trusted advisors, such as family, friends, or a mentor, before feeling confident in their decision. Through this process of seeking input and feedback from others, they may come to a clear understanding of whether or not this job offer aligns with their values and goals.

One of my very close friends has a Sounding Board Authority and she literally talks to herself, to hear herself speak and how it feels to her as she's saying it out loud, in order to make decisions. It's a very rare authority to have so I am privileged to have her in my life to be able to reflect on her process. Her and I actually break down every single Human Design Gate on my podcast, definitely check that out!

Overall, the Sounding Board Authority is a powerful tool for gaining clarity and insight through collaboration and feedback. By understanding and working with this authority, individuals can learn to make decisions that are based on input and advice from trusted sources, leading to more confident and informed choices.

8. Lunar Authority

The Reflector is a unique human design type that represents only about 1% of the population. Reflector's decision-making authority is also unique and different from other types.

Reflector's decision-making authority is called the Lunar Cycle Authority. Unlike other types, Reflectors do not have a defined or consistent decision-making strategy. Instead, they are advised to wait through an entire lunar cycle, which takes around 28 days, before making major decisions.

During this time, Reflectors should observe and reflect on their experiences and feelings. They should take note of how they feel about a situation or decision at different times during the lunar cycle. After the entire cycle has completed, they can use their observations and feelings to make a decision that aligns with their inner truth.

It's important to note that this decision-making process can be challenging for Reflectors, as it requires them to be patient and wait for clarity to emerge. They may also struggle with feeling uncertain or indecisive during the waiting period.

Here's an example of how the Lunar Cycle Authority can play out in real life: Let's say that a Reflector is considering whether to accept a job offer. Instead of immediately accepting or declining the offer, the Reflector will wait and observe how they feel about the opportunity during the lunar cycle. They may ask themselves questions like, "How does this opportunity make me feel? Is it aligned with my values and goals? Do I feel excited about it or anxious?"

Through the waiting and reflection process, the Reflector may gain clarity about whether the job offer is the right decision for them. This decision may come from a deeper sense of knowing that arises from the Reflector's internal guidance and intuition.

Overall, the Lunar Cycle Authority for Reflectors can be a powerful tool for making decisions that are in alignment with their truest selves. By allowing themselves to observe, reflect, and wait for clarity to emerge, Reflectors can make choices that feel right and authentic for them. To learn about the 5 Human Design Types, click here.


Here are some Practical tips for working with your Human Design Authority:

  1. Know your authority: The first step is to identify your authority and understand how it works. You can find this information in your human design chart or by consulting with a Human Design Practitioner. Knowing your authority can help you make decisions that align with your inner truth.

  2. Practice self-awareness: Developing self-awareness is an essential step in working with your authority. Take time to reflect on your experiences and feelings, and pay attention to how your authority influences your decision-making. Be mindful of any patterns or tendencies that emerge.

  3. Trust the process: Trusting the decision-making process is crucial when working with your authority. Whether you're waiting for clarity to emerge or relying on your intuition, trust that the right decision will come at the right time. Remember that your authority is a reliable guide and can lead you to decisions that align with your true self.

  4. Embrace uncertainty: Uncertainty is a natural part of the decision-making process, especially for those with undefined or open centers. Instead of resisting or avoiding uncertainty, try to embrace it. See it as an opportunity to explore and learn more about yourself.

  5. Access your intuition: Learning to trust your intuition is a key component of working with your authority. Pay attention to the subtle feelings and sensations that arise when making decisions. Ask yourself, "Does this decision feel right in my gut?" or "Does it align with my values and purpose?" Trusting your intuition can lead to decisions that are authentic and fulfilling.

  6. Seek support: Finally, don't be afraid to seek support when working with your authority. Consult with a Human Design Practitioner or seek guidance from trusted friends or mentors. Having a supportive community can help you navigate the decision-making process with more confidence and clarity. If you'd like further insight, I would highly recommend listening to The Divine Embodiment Podcast.


In summary, working with your Human Design Authority involves developing self-awareness, trusting the decision-making process, embracing uncertainty, accessing your intuition, and seeking support when needed. By incorporating these tips into your decision-making process, you can make choices that align with your true self and lead to a more fulfilling life.

human design authorityhuman design authoritiesinner authorityemotional solar plexus authorityemotional authoritysacral authorityspleenic authorityego authorityself-projected authoritymental authoritysounding board authoritylunar authority
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Crystal Renae

Certified Master Mindset, Spirituality, and Life Purpose Coach. Self-Taught Human Design and Tarot Reader. Energetic Healer.

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