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Manifestation is about embodying who you truly

are so that you become magnetic to your aligned desires!

Human Design Type and Strategy

The 5 Human Design Types and Their Strategies and Themes

December 20, 202214 min read

“Human Design allows you to examine the foundation of what makes you unique.” - Nikki Brafman

5 Human Design Types, Strategies, and Themes


These days, everyone seems to be on a quest to find themselves. We do this through many modalities such as Astrology, personality tests, shadow work, numerology, etc. Well, Human Design is like Astrology on steroids because it takes it to a whole new level. At least from my perspective anyway, after studying Astrology for 24 years.

Like Astrology, your Human Design type depends on your birthplace and birth time. It is determined by the active gates, or archetypes, in your Human Design birth chart. These active gates determine which Human Design energy centers are defined, undefined, or open. These centers are what truly determine your Human Design energy type as well as the strategy that corresponds to each type.

Knowing your Human Design type and strategy can help you connect with how you best work, interact, and flow with the world and people around you on a more intricate level. It also allows you to identify and accept certain aspects of who you are on an energetic level.

With that said, here are the 5 Human Design Types and Strategies that will help you align with your energetic blueprint, depending on your type! 👊

Manifestors in Human Design

1. Type: Manifestor | Strategy: To Initiate New Ideas and Inform | Aligned Theme: Peace | Unaligned Theme: Anger

Manifestors are like the leaders of the pack and I like to see them as the initiators of new ideas. Manifestors make up only 10% of the human population. They are the energy type to have ideas that they speak into existence with their defined throat. The key, though, for manifestation to happen, is for them to inform those around them and those involved in their ideas, what their ideas and plans are so that they can come into fruition.

Manifestors have a very strong presence due to their closed and repelling auric field. This aura unconsciously tells others to get out of their way! They have ideas to initiate and they're here to start new things. People are actually drawn to them because of this, not necessarily repelled, because they are the trailblazers and the catalysts for change. They also love being independent and having a sense of freedom.

Manifestors are great at starting projects and using their leadership skills to direct others to fulfill their visions. They don't necessarily have the life force energy to carry out the completion of the projects or ideas that they initiate. That's what the Generator types are for! So, the Manifestors initiate and inform, and you'll learn how the Generators carry out the Manifestor's plans below!

When Manifestors are aligned with their ideas, and they inform those around them with what they intend to manifest, they should feel a sense of peace. It is in the moments of peace where all of their ideas and initiations start rolling in with ease.

If they feel anger in any situation, that lets them know that what they are doing is not aligned with their energetic blueprint. Maybe they did not inform the people around them of their plans or it could be that they are trying to maintain something they no longer have energy for. If at any point, they begin to feel burnout or anger, it's a good indication to take a break to refuel their energy.

The Manifestor energy is built to propel forward very fast and then to fall back in order to recharge. As long as they trust their intuition when they are feeling called to carry out an idea into action, and inform those involved in that idea, they are able to create huge waves of influence and change!

Generators in Human Design

2. Type: Generator | Strategy: To Respond to the Stimulus of Life | Aligned Theme: Satisfaction | Unaligned Theme: Frustration

Generators are like the builders and creators of the world. Generators make up over 30% of the population. They are the energy type to have the life force energy to carry out the completion of things that "light them up." The key, though, is for them to respond to the stimulus of life around them, and to listen to their defined sacral, or "gut," when making decisions in response their stimuli.

This means that any time they get asked to do something, or they see an opportunity that they could respond to, or maybe a song or a tv commercial, their gut is constantly in response mode. These things either make their gut go mmmmmm yes, or ewwwww hell no! And it's important that they listen to it when making decisions about the things they actually use their sacral life force energy for!

Generators have a very warm and enveloping presence due to their open auric field. This aura unconsciously tells others to come in and create! They have the energy to carry out the big ideas and projects that Manifestors initiate. People are drawn to them when they are following their sacral desires when in response to life around them. They are great at finishing projects and have the capacity to work on things that they love doing without burnout.

When Generators are aligned with their gut response to life around them, they should feel a sense of satisfaction. It is in the moments of satisfaction where they become so magnetic, attracting more aligned people, opportunities, and things to respond to.

If they feel frustration in any situation, that lets them know that what they are doing is not aligned with their energetic blueprint. Maybe they tried to initiate an idea of their own instead of being in response to life, or maybe they said yes to something that their gut said no to. If at any point, they begin to feel burnout or frustration, it's a good indication to take a step back and re-evaluate what they are currently frustrated by. They only thing, though, is that they have the desire to finish any started projects, even if they aren't aligned for them.

The Generator energy is built to maintain the energy necessary to get any job done. They are the builders of the world. As long as they trust their gut when they are feeling called to do something that they enjoy doing, they are able to sustain the life force energy to get it done!

Manifesting Generators in Human Design

3. Type: Manifesting Generator | Strategy: To Respond and Then Inform | Aligned Theme: Satisfaction | Unaligned Theme: Frustration

Manifesting Generators are like the "jack-of-all-trades." Manifesting Generators make up over 32% of the population. They are still considered a Generator type because they have the defined Sacral, but they also have the defined throat like the Manifestor. So, some consider this type to be a hybrid of both. Therefore, it's a good idea for them to respond to the stimulus of life around them first, and then inform those around them as to what their response is in order for things to manifest.

They are the energy type to have the life force energy to do things that "light them up" just like the Generator. The difference, though, is that Manifesting Generators don't hold that life force energy for any one thing for an elongated period of time. They thrive on bouncing around on projects that they love doing, so they may come off as being flaky, however, it's actually healthy that they have a wide variety of things to do in life, and especially at their job.

Any time they get asked to do something, or they see an opportunity that they could respond to, or maybe a song or a tv commercial, their gut is constantly in response mode. These things either make their gut go mmmmmm yes, or ewwwww hell no! And it's important that they listen to it when making decisions about the things they use their sacral life force energy for, just like the Generator. Some schools of thought say that Manifesting Generators don't need to inform like a Manifestor does, however, being a Manifesting Generator, I do believe that it makes a huge difference when I do inform those involved in my life as to what I intend to respond to.

Manifesting Generators have a very warm and enveloping presence due to their open auric field. This aura unconsciously tells others to come in and create! They have the energy to respond to and work on the big ideas and projects that Manifestors initiate. People are drawn to them when they are following their sacral desires when in response to life around them. They are great at moving very quickly on getting things done their own way, as long as they can shift when their gut tells them to do so. Sometimes they may find that they missed a few steps due to moving so fast, and therefore have to go back and retrace their steps.

When Manifesting Generators are aligned with their gut response to life around them, they should feel a sense of satisfaction. It is in the moments of satisfaction where they become so magnetic, attracting more aligned people, opportunities, and things to respond to.

If they feel frustration in any situation, that lets them know that what they are doing is not aligned with their energetic blueprint. Maybe they tried to initiate an idea of their own, which is very common for Manifesting Generators, instead of being in response to something, or maybe they said yes to something that they're gut said no to. If at any point, they begin to feel burnout or frustration, it's a good indication to take a step back and shift gears to a new stimulus that feels more enticing to their gut.

The Manifesting Generator energy is built to be the multi-passionate "jack-of-all-trades." They are the fast builders of the world. As long as they are following their gut in what they are feeling called to dabble in, they are able to positively energize those around them!

Projectors in Human Design

4. Type: Projectors | Strategy: To Shine and Wait for the Invitation | Aligned Theme: Success | Unaligned Theme: Bitterness

Projectors are like the insightful guides. Projectors make up only 20% of the human population. They are the energy type to have the ability to see and feel people that come into their energetic field. The key though, is for them to wait for the invitation to be able to give their insight, otherwise, it is received as unwelcomed feedback, even as insightful and wise as it is.

Projectors have this ability due to their piercing auric field that penetrates into the aura of those they are focused on. This aura unconsciously picks up on the energy of the other and therefore allows them to provide guidance and advice! They have wisdom to divulge and seem to know what's best for others. As long as they are aligned and showcasing their expertise, this draws people in to invite them to give their opinion, feedback, or advice.

Projectors are great at seeing deep into the energy of others. They don't necessarily have the life force energy to carry out the completion of any ideas, but moreso, to provide the guidance or the instructions on what would work best. They are great at evaluating situations and providing feedback when invited to do so.

When Projectors are aligned with their own inner intuition and expertise, those around them tend to come to them unconsciously for advice, and therefore, they should feel a sense of success. It is in the moments of feeling success where they are magnetic to those in need of guidance.

If they feel bitterness in any situation, that lets them know that what they are doing is not aligned with their energetic blueprint. Maybe they gave advice where it wasn't welcomed, or they don't feel appreciated in providing such great feedback. If at any point, they begin to feel burnout or bitterness, it's a good indication to take a step back and evaluate the situation and how you can shift.

The Projector energy is built to see deeply into the auras of those around them in order to provide guidance for the highest good of all. As long as they only give guidance when it is asked for, and showcase how capable they are in the meantime, they have the capacity to heal humanity, one individual at a time!

Reflectors in Human Design

5. Type: Reflector | Strategy: To Have the Patience to Wait on the Moon | Aligned Theme: Surprise | Unaligned Theme: Disappointment

Reflectors are like the mirrors and Universal healers of the world. Reflectors are the rarest of all 5 types and make up less than 1% of the population. They are the energy type to take samples of the energy of the world around them and to reflect on those samples to find clarity. The key, though, is for them to wait an entire moon cycle before they make any big decision in life.

Reflectors have a very empathic presence due to all of their undefined centers. This aura unconsciously takes in samples of all of the energy and people in every room it walks in! They reflect the energy around them and become sponges and mirrors to those in their presence. People are actually drawn to them because of this, they are the mirrors that can discern the intentions of those in their presence, good or bad, almost as if they can feel the other's energy.

Reflectors are great at giving Universal guidance as they take in experiences and energies to come up with an overall conclusion of truth. They don't necessarily have the life force energy to carry out the completion of any project, but they can provide wisdom around the potential of any person or thing. It's almost as if their energy allows them to see several perspectives and angles in order for them to create an underlying truth to any situation.

When Reflectors are aligned with their patience, and they allow an entire moon cycle to pass before making any big decisions in life, they should feel a sense of surprise. It is in the moments of patience where all of the world around them comes together into a beautiful piece of art where they constantly feel a sense of excitement.

If they feel disappointed in any situation, that lets them know that what they are doing is not aligned with their energetic blueprint. Maybe they did not have the patience to wait before making a life decision or they could be feeling bored in their immediate reality. If at any point, they begin to feel burnout or disappointment, it's a good indication to put themselves in more aligned environments where they can thrive.

The Reflector energy is built to take in the energies around it and to reflect, or mirror, those energies back to those in its presence. As long as they trust their intuition when they are feeling called to experience new things and explore life, they are able to draw up Universal wisdom in order to heal the human collective!

Conclusion: This is Only Scratching the Surface

Human Design entails so much more than just your type and strategy. It can get really deep if you allow yourself to go into the depths of your soul. The next most important thing to know and understand is your type, strategy, and theme so that you can make sure you are in the highest alignment with your energetic signature. The next most important thing when it comes to understanding your Human Design is knowing your authority, which can vary across design type.

Once you understand how your authority works, you will then want to take a look at your profile lines. Then your defined centers, channels, and gates. The list just goes on and we're only getting started! So stick with me, favorite this as your favorite new Human Design blog site and stay tuned as we go on a self-exploration journey!

This article is your starting point, and we will continue building your knowledge moving forward!

Do You Know Your Human Design Type and Strategy?

I'm assuming you do know, and you came here to learn more about it! But if for some strange reason you came across this page and want to know, you can find out by clicking here. Or, let's just say you do know, but you want a place where you can actually store your information, and add others to your account for FREE, click here. I got you covered!

Before I incorporated the free Human Design chart into my own website, two of my favorite sites to get this detail are My Human Design as well as My Body Graph.

Let me know in the comments below what your Human Design type, strategy, and theme are and how you plan on experimenting with your strategy now that you are aware of it!

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Crystal Renae

Certified Master Mindset, Spirituality, and Life Purpose Coach. Self-Taught Human Design and Tarot Reader. Energetic Healer.

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