Activate an Intimate Connection with Yourself, Embody Self-Love, and Cultivate an Empowered Mindset to Ignite Your Magnetic Power!

A 9-Month Exclusive Self-Love Membership Experience that focuses on Human Design + The Gene Keys

For the Conscious Woman ready to activate an intimate connection with her soul, embody self-love and cultivate her empowered magnetic confidence!

Empower Your Subconscious Mind to Unlock Your Full Potential

Align with Your Soul's Purpose with Passion for a sense of fulfillment

Embody Your Authentic Way of Being to Attract Your Desires

Do Any of These Scenarios Sound Familiar?

This is who you are:

  • A conscious and spiritually-minded woman who values personal growth and self-discovery.

  • Committed to living an authentic life and embracing your unique journey.

  • Open to exploring new perspectives and expanding your consciousness.

  • Seeking deeper connections with yourself and others.

  • Ready to break free from self-limiting beliefs and old patterns.

You're experiencing:

  • Struggles with self-love and self-acceptance.

  • Challenges in embracing your authenticity and living in alignment with your true purpose.

  • Feeling disconnected from your inner power and intuition.

  • Limited self-belief and self-confidence.

  • Overwhelm, stress, or a lack of balance in your life.

You desire to:

  • Cultivating a deep sense of self-love, acceptance, and worthiness.

  • Discovering and embracing your authentic self without fear or judgment.

  • Aligning with your purpose and living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

  • Building strong and nurturing relationships with yourself and others.

  • Creating a life of joy, abundance, and self-empowerment.

You're So Ready to:

  • Dive deep into your personal growth journey and commit to your self-evolution.

  • Embrace transformation and step into your true power and potential.

  • Invest in your self-care, well-being, and personal development.

  • Connect with a supportive community of like-minded souls.

  • Take inspired action and create positive change in your life.

You're so ready to:

  • Dive deep into your personal growth journey and commit to your self-evolution.

  • Embrace transformation and step into your true power and potential.

  • Invest in your self-care, well-being, and personal development.

  • Connect with a supportive community of like-minded souls.

  • Take inspired action and create positive change in your life.

  • Learn how to apply your Human Design to your personal life and business.

  • Experience deep healing through the Golden Path of The Gene Keys

The Self Love Revival is your personal invitation to unlock your full potential, embrace your unique gifts, and become the most authentic, empowered version of yourself.

Say Goodbye To:

  • Limiting Beliefs and Self-Doubt: No more feeling held back by negative thoughts and self-sabotaging patterns. You'll break free from the chains of self-doubt and step into a world of limitless possibilities.

  • External Validation and Seeking Fulfillment Outside Yourself: No more relying on others for validation or constantly seeking external sources of happiness. You'll discover the power of self-love and learn to find true fulfillment within yourself.

  • Feeling Stuck and Unfulfilled: No more living a life that doesn't align with your true purpose. You'll unlock the keys to living a life of passion and fulfillment, where every day feels like a step towards your dreams.

Instead, You'll:

  • Embrace Your Authentic Self: You'll reconnect with your true essence and embrace all the unique qualities that make you who you are. You'll shine your light brightly and confidently, knowing that you are enough just as you are.

  • Cultivate Self-Love and Empowerment: You'll embark on a journey of deep self-love and empowerment, nurturing your mind, body, and soul. You'll develop unshakable self-worth and radiate love and positivity in all areas of your life.

  • Live a Life of Purpose and Alignment: You'll align with your soul's purpose and create a life that is in perfect harmony with your deepest desires. You'll make empowered choices, guided by your intuition, and experience a profound sense of fulfillment in every aspect of your life.


The Self Love Revival Membership

A Monthly Membership Portal That Takes You On A Self-Exploration Journey Through 3 Transformative Phases, Including Themed Workbooks, Journals, and Planners, An Exclusive Private Online Community, LIVE Workshops and Q+A Calls, Guided Meditations, And So Much More!

Unlock The Keys to Embracing Radical Self-Love and Living a Life of Authenticity and Empowerment

The Self Love Revival, where deep healing meets radiant transformation. Step into a journey that will empower you to reclaim your worth, embrace your authenticity, and radiate love from within.

As a member of The Self Love Revival, you'll gain exclusive access to a wealth of resources, tools, and teachings that will empower you to:

  • Embrace Your Authenticity: Discover the unique essence of who you are, honor your individuality, and fully embrace your authentic self. Say goodbye to people-pleasing and societal expectations, and step into a life that aligns with your true desires and values.

  • Cultivate Unconditional Self-Love: Learn powerful practices and techniques that will help you cultivate a deep and unwavering love for yourself. Release self-judgment, embrace self-compassion, and nurture your mind, body, and spirit with radical acceptance and care.

  • Rewrite Your Inner Narrative: Uncover and reframe the subconscious patterns and beliefs that have held you back from living a life of fulfillment and joy. Through powerful mindset shifts and healing modalities, you'll rewrite your inner narrative and create a foundation of empowerment and self-belief.

  • Harness Your Inner Power: Awaken the dormant power within you and tap into your unique gifts and talents. The Self Love Revival Membership will guide you in harnessing your inner strength, intuition, and creativity, empowering you to create a life of purpose and passion.

  • Create Lasting Transformation: This is not just about temporary fixes or quick self-improvement. The Self Love Revival Membership is designed to support you in creating lasting transformation. With ongoing guidance, accountability, and support, you'll build the foundations for a life that continues to expand and evolve.

Here's a breakdown of The Self Love Embodiment Method:

Phase One - Subconscious Empowerment


Lesson 1: The Frequency Keys:

The Aligned Mindset - Mastering Your Inner World

Are you ready to shatter the chains of stagnation and step into the realm of limitless manifestation? If you're tired of feeling stuck and unable to bring forth your deepest desires into reality, this transformative module is your guiding light.

Dive into the foundational principles of manifestation, unraveling the mysteries of energetics, frequency, and universal laws. Discover the intricate dance between your ego and higher self, harnessing their combined power to align your intentions with the flow of abundance.

Break free from negative patterns and limiting beliefs as you fearlessly explore the realm of your shadow, uncovering hidden treasures of potential. Prepare to witness the profound transformation that unfolds when you align your energy, beliefs, and actions with the manifestation of your true desires.

We'll provide you with a Universal Laws cheat sheet to help you understand and apply these powerful principles. Plus, you'll receive tools and exercises to help you master your inner world and create the life you truly desire.


Lesson 2: The Manifestation Codes - The Power of Awareness - Shifting Your Perspective

Are you ready to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and reclaim control over your thoughts and emotions?

In this transformative module, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and learn the art of cultivating self-awareness and unwavering focus.

Say goodbye to being ruled by your thoughts and emotions as you develop the powerful skill of becoming the observer, witnessing your inner world without judgment.

Through transformative practices and techniques, you'll shift your perspective from scarcity to abundance and gratitude, unlocking the limitless potential within you. Say hello to a life of clarity, purpose, and the unwavering focus needed to manifest your goals and dreams.

We'll also cover the most important thing in manifestation: understanding your human design type, authority, and strategy. You'll receive a Manifestation Journal to track your progress and stay focused on your goals.


Lesson 3: The Genius Decode - Unlocking Your Potential - Activating Your Gene Keys

Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment in our transformative module.

Unlock your full potential and activate your unique gifts and talents as you dive deep into the transformative Gene Keys Activation Sequence.

By understanding and embodying your Human Design Profile, you'll gain valuable insights into your strengths, areas for growth, and the path to embracing your extraordinary essence. With our expertly crafted Gene Keys Activation Worksheet as your guide, you'll confidently navigate the realm of self-expression and create a life that radiates your truest self.

Get ready to unleash your brilliance and manifest a reality that aligns with your highest potential.

Plus, we'll teach you how to apply your Gene Keys to your life and manifest your desires with ease.

Join Vibes by Design now and start your journey towards a more empowered and aligned life.

Are you ready to:

  • Learn how to manifest your dreams and desires?

  • Tap into the power of your subconscious mind?

  • Activate your unique gifts and talents?

  • Develop self-awareness and shift your mindset?

  • Discover the secrets of human design and the Gene Keys?

Join The Self Love Revival And Receive:

  • Access to all 3 modules of Subconscious Empowerment

  • Bonus Universal Laws cheat sheet

  • Bonus Manifestation Journal

  • Bonus Gene Keys Activation Worksheet

Phase Two - Purpose Alignment


Lesson 4: The Intimacy Keys - The Path of Love - Awakening Your Heart

Are you prepared to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation, delving deep into the realms of the heart and unlocking the secrets of the Venus Sequence in the Gene Keys?

This module is dedicated to helping you cultivate a profound sense of self-love, compassion, and inner harmony. Through the exploration of the Attraction Sphere, the IQ, EQ, and SQ Spheres, and the Core Wound Sphere, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of your emotional intelligence, intellectual prowess, spiritual quotient, and the core wounds that have shaped your experiences.

By unraveling the intricate layers of your being, you will unearth hidden treasures of self-awareness and learn powerful practices to nurture and heal your heart.

Get ready to embrace the depths of love and compassion within you, and watch as it radiates outwards, transforming your relationships and bringing profound fulfillment to your life.

You'll receive a Self-Love Affirmations Cheat Sheet to help you cultivate a positive mindset and overcome limiting beliefs.


Lesson 5: The Identity Codes - The Power of Identity - Embracing Who You Are

Are you eager to unlock the keys to understanding and harnessing the power of your own desires and identity? This module is designed to guide you through the intricate landscape of your Human Design chart, revealing the profound wisdom contained within.

You'll delve into the intricacies of Human Design Centers and Circuitry, gaining a deeper understanding of how these energetic centers influence your unique expression in the world. Explore the transformative power of Human Design Channels, discovering the energetic pathways that shape your experiences and interactions.

Engage in empowering identity work, unraveling the layers that define who you are at your core. By embracing the depths of your Human Design and aligning with your authentic desires and identity, you'll unlock a newfound sense of purpose, fulfillment, and alignment in all aspects of your life.

Get ready to step into your truest self and experience the profound transformation that awaits you.

You'll receive a Human Design Centers Worksheet to help you understand your energetic makeup and how it influences your life.


Lesson 6: The Purpose Decode - Discovering Your Authentic Self - Finding Your Purpose

Are you yearning to uncover your true essence, embrace your authentic self, and find your unique purpose in life? This module is designed to guide you on a profound journey of self-discovery and purpose alignment.

Gain valuable insights into the patterns and tendencies that shape your actions and beliefs, and learn powerful techniques to release judgment and cultivate forgiveness towards yourself and others.

Through this transformative process, you'll gain a crystal-clear understanding of your gifts and talents, and how they can be harnessed to create a meaningful and purposeful life.

Get ready to embark on a path of self-realization and step into a future filled with passion, fulfillment, and alignment with your true purpose.

You'll receive a Self-Discovery Journal to help you reflect on your journey and track your progress.

Join The Self Love Revival now and start aligning with your purpose by using the tools to help you discover your authentic self.

Are you ready to:

  • Align with your purpose, cultivate self-love, and discover your authentic self?

  • Understand your Human Design and how it influences your life?

  • Release limiting beliefs and cultivate forgiveness?

  • Discover your passions and talents?

  • Connect with your heart and embrace who you are?

  • Uncover your life's purpose?

Join The Self Love Revival And Receive:

  • Access to all 3 modules of Purpose Alignment

  • Bonus Self-Love Affirmations Cheat Sheet

  • Bonus Human Design Centers Worksheet

  • Bonus Self-Discovery Journal

Phase Three - Authentic Embodiment


Lesson 7: The Womb Zone - The Art of Boundaries - Nurturing Your Inner Child

Are you ready to embark on a journey of cultivating healthy boundaries, deepening your presence, and nurturing your inner child with compassion and healing?

This transformative module is designed to guide you through the profound exploration of boundaries, unveiling the transformative power of presence, and unlocking the profound benefits of inner child work.

Discover the freedom and joy that come from establishing boundaries that honor your authentic self, immerse yourself in the present moment with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose, and embark on a profound healing journey that nurtures and restores your inner child.

Get ready to experience profound shifts, create lasting change, and embrace a life of emotional well-being, fulfillment, and authentic connection.

We'll also delve into chakra healing and moon cycles, and you'll receive an Inner Child Healing Meditation to help you connect with your inner child and release past wounds.


Lesson 8: The Confidence Keys - Courageous Action - Taking Aligned Steps

Are you ready to unlock the secrets to building unwavering confidence, taking aligned action, and harnessing the power of the gates and planets in your unique Human Design chart?

In this transformative module, we dive into the depths of self-love codes, equip you with powerful techniques to cultivate courage, and reveal the incredible benefits that come with taking aligned action.

Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and profound transformation as you embrace your authentic self and step boldly into a life of purpose and fulfillment.

You'll receive an Aligned Action Planner to help you set goals and track your progress.


Lesson 9: The Abundance Codes - The Path of Prosperity - Building Your Movement

Are you ready to unleash your creative potential, build your personal brand, and make a powerful impact with your unique gifts?

In this transformative module, we will delve deep into the realms of the Vocation, Brand, Culture, and Pearl Spheres, uncovering the profound insights they hold within your Human Design chart and the Gene Keys.

Discover the keys to unlocking your authentic voice, clarify your message, and build a compelling personal brand or movement that resonates with your audience.

You'll receive a comprehensive Branding Worksheet that will guide you through the process of refining your message, identifying your target audience, and crafting a powerful brand identity.

Get ready to step into your purpose, ignite your movement, and leave a lasting legacy in the world.

We'll also explore the power of the Human Design Arrows and how they can help you better rest into the nature of who you are.

Join Vibes by Design now and start embodying your authentic self! .

Are you ready to:

  • Unlock your potential and embody your true self?

  • Learn how to set healthy boundaries, cultivate presence, and heal your inner child?

  • Discover how to work with the gates and planets in your Human Design chart?

  • Dive into the Pearl Sequence of the Gene Keys to help you build your personal brand or movement?

  • Unlock the codes that lead to genuine self-love, empower your courage, and take aligned action?

Join The Self Love Revival And Receive:

  • Access to all 3 modules of Authentic Embodiment

  • Bonus Inner Child Healing Meditation

  • Bonus Aligned Action Planner

  • Bonus Branding By Design Worksheet

But Wait...There's More! Check Out These Bonuses When You Sign Up!

The Divine Alignment Method Mini-Course

This powerful tool will guide you in overcoming limiting beliefs and empower you to pursue your dreams with confidence.

With this method, you'll learn how to align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your true desires, and develop the self-confidence necessary to make your dreams a reality.

Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to a life of purpose and fulfillment!

Access To The Conscious Code Collective

This exclusive program is designed to help individuals better understand and connect with their unique human design.

By breaking down each human design gate, members will gain a deeper understanding of their innate strengths and tendencies, enabling them to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

With this bonus, members can expect to experience a profound shift in how they approach their life's journey, unlocking their full potential and achieving greater alignment with their true selves.

The Human Design Channels Trello Board

This powerful tool breaks down each channel of your unique human design so that you can better understand and leverage your innate strengths.

With this knowledge, you'll be able to make more informed decisions, communicate more effectively, and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires.

So if you're ready to unlock your full potential and step into your power, join The Self Love Revival today and claim your spot!

Now is your chance to become a Founding Member!

Act Fast Because there are only 15 spots available!

Attention all self-love seekers! Your time has come to join the exclusive founding members of The Self Love Revival and receive incredible bonuses! But act fast, because this offer is only available for the first 15 members who join.

Personalized 1:1 Guidance Call with Me

Exclusive Access to Personalized Support - As a founding member, you'll receive the invaluable opportunity to connect with me directly through a personalized 1:1 guidance call.

This call is tailored specifically to your needs, providing you with individualized support and guidance on your unique journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Personal Tarot and Oracle Card Reading

With the personal Tarot and Oracle card reading, you'll receive intuitive guidance and deep insight into your current situation, challenges, and opportunities.

The cards act as a powerful tool to tap into your subconscious mind and provide you with valuable messages and revelations that can help you gain clarity and navigate your path with confidence.

a FREE Human Design Reading

With the free Human Design reading, you'll gain personalized insight and understanding of your unique energetic blueprint.

The reading will unveil the different aspects of your Human Design chart, including your energy centers, channels, profiles, and authority.

This knowledge will empower you to align with your natural flow, make decisions in alignment with your authentic self, and navigate life with greater clarity and purpose.

With three levels of support to choose from, you can customize your experience to suit your unique needs. Whether you're looking for community support or more personalized attention, we've got you covered.

Which level of Support, Guidance, and Investment are you looking for?

Emerald Level


At the Emerald Level, you'll receive recorded training videos paired with workbooks for each lesson, guided meditation audios to activate your subconscious mind, and 24/7 community support in our private Facebook group. You'll also have access to monthly group Q+A and coaching calls to get your questions answered in real-time.

  • Recorded training videos for all teachings paired with workbooks for each lesson

  • Guided meditation audios with each lesson to further activate the teachings within your subconscious mind

  • 24/7 Community Support in FB Group

  • Monthly Group Q+A and Group Coaching Calls

Sapphire Level


This tier is perfect for those who want to deepen their understanding and practice of the teachings, and receive more support and guidance along the way. You'll receive all the benefits of the Emerald Level, plus double the coaching calls as well as Moon Phase Tarot Readings and Monthly LIVE Breathwork Sessions to help you stay on track and aligned with your goals.

  • Recorded training videos for all teachings paired with workbooks for each lesson

  • Guided meditation audios with each lesson to further activate the teachings within your subconscious mind

  • 24/7 Community Support in FB Group

  • Bi-Weekly Group Q+A and Group Coaching Calls

  • Monthly LIVE Breathwork with Quintina: Experience the power of breathwork in a live virtual session with our resident expert.

  • Moon Phase Collective Tarot Readings

Amethyst Level


For the ultimate transformational experience, choose our

Amethyst Level membership. You'll receive everything included in the Emerald and Sapphire Level, with the added benefit of weekly group Q+A and coaching calls, office hours direct feedback support in our Telegram group, and monthly LIVE Reiki Healing Sessions.

  • Recorded training videos for all teachings paired with workbooks for each lesson

  • Guided meditation audios with each lesson to further activate the teachings within your subconscious mind

  • 24/7 Community Support in FB Group

  • Monthly LIVE Breathwork with Quintina: Experience the power of breathwork in a live virtual session with our resident expert.

  • Moon Phase Collective Tarot Readings

  • Weekly Group Q+A and Group Coaching Calls

  • Office Hours Direct Feedback Support in Telegram Group

  • Monthly LIVE Reiki Healing Session with Debbie: Allow our certified Reiki practitioner, Debbie, to guide you in a healing session to balance your mind, body, and spirit.

By Joining The Self Love Revival Membership, you get:

  • Deep Self-Love and Acceptance: Experience a profound shift in how you perceive and love yourself, leading to increased self-worth, confidence, and self-acceptance.

  • Purpose Alignment: Discover and align with your life's purpose, live in alignment with your values, and create a meaningful and fulfilling life.

  • Authentic Empowerment: Embody confidence, authenticity, and personal power, allowing you to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

  • Inner Guidance and Intuition: Develop a strong connection with your intuition, access inner guidance, and make empowered decisions aligned with your highest good.

  • Transformation and Healing: Release limiting beliefs, heal past wounds, and experience deep transformation, creating a solid foundation for personal growth.

  • Mindset and Energy Shifts: Cultivate a positive mindset, raise your energy vibration, and attract abundance and positivity into your life.

  • Self-Discovery and Personal Growth: Explore your unique gifts, talents, and strengths, unlocking your true potential and experiencing personal growth.

  • Supportive Community: Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals, fostering meaningful connections, inspiration, and accountability.

  • Personalized Guidance: Receive personalized guidance and support from an experienced mentor who is committed to your growth and well-being.

  • Exclusive Resources and Tools: Access powerful tools like Human Design and The Gene Keys for self-awareness, deepening your understanding of yourself and others.

  • Deep Healing and Revival: Experience profound healing, holistic well-being, and a revival of your mind, body, and spirit.

Join the Self Love Revival Membership and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and love.

Are you tired of searching for external validation and fulfillment?

Do you long to embrace your true essence, step into your power, and cultivate a deep sense of self-love that radiates from within?

Look no further - The Self Love Revival Membership is here to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

With The Self Love Revival Membership, you'll embark on a path of inner transformation, supported by a loving community of like-minded individuals who are committed to their own growth.

This is not just a membership; it's a sacred space where you can shed the layers of societal conditioning, release self-limiting beliefs, and unlock your true potential.

Hey lovely soul! It's me, Crystal Renae, your Self Love Embodiment Guide!

I'm excited to guide you on a transformational journey towards embodying your authentic self and unlocking your full potential.

Why am I so confident that I can help you achieve this? Well, for starters, I'm a Certified Master Mindset, Spirituality, Life Purpose, and Manifestation Coach. But that's not all - I'm also a self-taught expert in Human Design and Gene Keys.

I've walked this path myself. I know what it feels like to be lost, confused, and stuck. But through the power of Subconscious Empowerment, Purpose Alignment, and Authentic Embodiment Methods, I've transformed my life into one of empowerment and fulfillment. And now, I'm here to share these modalities with you.

Are you ready to unlock a deeper connection with your soul and become magnetic to your desires? Let's embark on this journey of self-love and embodiment together.

Here's What My Clients Have To Say:

"Profound Transformation"

"Going through The Self-Love Embodiment process was the best decision I ever made for myself. Through Crystal's guidance and the powerful resources provided, I have experienced a profound transformation in how I view and love myself. I have let go of limiting beliefs, embraced my authenticity, and created a life filled with love, purpose, and abundance. This Method has been a game-changer for me, and I am forever grateful for the support and empowerment I have found within this wisdom."

- Sarah McAllister


My Power"

"The Self-Love Embodiment Method has been a beacon of light on my self-love journey. Crystal's teachings, meditations, and practices have helped me unravel layers of self-doubt and fear, and rediscover the true essence of who I am. I have learned to set healthy boundaries, honor my needs, and prioritize self-care. Her process has given me the tools and support I needed to reclaim my power, embrace my worthiness, and create a life that is aligned with my desires. I can't recommend it enough!"

- Michelle Henry

"Heal Deep-Rooted Wounds"

"I can't express enough how transformative the Crystal's methods have been for me. The combination of self-love practices, Human Design insights, and looking into my shadow has helped me peel back the layers and heal deep-rooted wounds. Through the embodiment work and guidance provided, I have embraced my unique gifts, stepped into my authenticity, and unlocked a newfound sense of self-love and confidence. Crystal has empowered me to create a life that truly resonates with who I am at my core. It's an investment in yourself that is worth every single moment."

- Emily Frances

What You Get in the SLR Experience:

Emerald, Sapphire, and Amethyst Levels

Weekly Membership Content: Receive transformative lessons, exercises, and resources every week to support your self-love journey.

Weekly Guided Meditations: Access weekly guided meditations to enhance your self-care practices and cultivate inner peace and harmony.

Journals, Workbooks, and Planners: Utilize powerful tools to deepen your self-reflection, track your progress, and set intentions for personal growth.

Private Support and Accountability Facebook Community: Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals, receive guidance, and share your wins and challenges.

Monthly Live Group Q+A via Zoom: Get direct answers to your burning questions, gain insights, and receive personalized guidance from the mentor.

Sapphire and Amethyst Levels

Quarterly Moon Group Tarot Readings: Tap into the wisdom of the moon cycles and receive guidance for manifesting your desires and aligning with your true self.

Monthly LIVE Breathwork Sessions: Experience the transformative power of breathwork and release stagnant energy for emotional healing and spiritual growth.

Breathwork Support Telegram Group: Join a dedicated community to share experiences, receive support, and deepen your breathwork practice.

Bi-Weekly Live Group Q+A Calls: Engage in live Q+A sessions to address your specific challenges, gain insights, and receive mentorship on your journey.

Amethyst Level

Monthly Live Group Reiki Healing Session: Receive powerful energy healing to restore balance, release blockages, and promote holistic well-being.

9-5 Office Hours Direct Feedback Telegram Group: Gain direct access to the mentor during designated office hours for personalized guidance and feedback.

Weekly Live Group Q+A Calls: Engage in live Q+A sessions to address your specific challenges, gain insights, and receive mentorship on your journey.

The Recap of The Self Love Embodiment Method

Phase One: Subconscious Empowerment

Lesson One: The Frequency


The Aligned Mindset - Mastering Your Inner World:

  • Energetics + Frequency

  • Quantum Physics

  • Universal Laws

  • The Conscious Vs. Subconscious Mind

  • The Ego Vs. The Higher Self

  • Shadow Work

Lesson Two: The Manifestation Codes

The Power of Awareness - Shifting Your Perspective:

  • Awareness + The Observer Effect

  • Empowered Perspective

  • Hidden Blessings + Lessons

  • Manifestation 101

  • Scarcity Vs. Gratitude

  • Human Design Type, Authority, Strategy

Lesson Three: The Genius


Unlocking Your Potential - Activating Your Gene Keys:

  • Human Design Profiles

  • The Gene Keys Activation Sequence

  • Life's Work Sphere

  • Evolution Sphere

  • Radiance Sphere

  • Purpose Sphere

Phase Two: Purpose Alignment

Lesson Four: The Intimacy


The Path of Love - Awakening Your Heart:

  • The Gene Keys Venus Sequency

  • The Attraction Sphere

  • The IQ Sphere

  • The EQ Sphere

  • The SQ Sphere

  • The Core Wound Sphere

Lesson Five: The Identity


The Power of Identity - Embracing Who You Are:

  • Human Design Centers

  • Human Design Circuitry

  • Human Design Channels

  • Defined Desires

  • Overcoming Fears

  • Identity Work

Lesson Six: The Purpose


Discovering Your Authentic Self - Finding Your Purpose:

  • Meyers-Briggs

  • Enneagram

  • Gifts + Talents

  • Ikigai

  • Judgement + Forgiveness

  • Releasing + Letting Go

Phase Three: Authentic Embodiment

Lesson Seven: The Womb


The Art of Boundaries - Nurturing Your Inner Child:

  • Boundaries Setting

  • The Power of Presence

  • Cultivating Compassion

  • Inner Child Work

  • Chakra Healing

  • Moon Cycles

Lesson Eight: The Confidence


Courageous Action - Taking Aligned Steps:

  • Human Design Planets

  • Human Design Gates

  • The Self Love Codes

  • Courage Building

  • Aligned Action

  • Human Design Arrow

Lesson Nine: The Abundance


The Path of Prosperity - Building Your Movement:

  • The Gene Keys Pearl Sequence

  • The Vocation Sphere

  • The Brand Sphere

  • The Culture Sphere

  • The Pearl Sphere

  • Building a Business With Your Design

My Guarantee To You

At The Self Love Revival, we want you to feel confident and excited about your journey towards self-love. That's why we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you're not satisfied with your membership, you can cancel at any time, and if you feel that you gained zero value from it, we'll refund your payment in full.

We believe in our program and the transformational power it can have, but we also believe that everyone has their own path to follow. So, whether you stay for a month or a year, you can trust that you're in control of your membership and your journey.

In the Self Love Revival Membership, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and love, unlocking the unlimited potential within you and creating a life that reflects your true essence. Get ready to embrace your worth, step into your authenticity, and radiate love from within.

this is for you if:

  • Deep down, you know there's a fire within you that's yearning to be unleashed. You're tired of playing small and ready to ignite your true potential, radiate self-love, and shine your light unapologetically.

  • You're seeking a sacred space where vulnerability is honored, and your journey of self-discovery is met with unwavering support and compassion. Together, we'll create a tapestry of connection, understanding, and growth that will nurture your soul.

  • You believe that self-love isn't just a buzzword but a profound transformational force that can heal wounds, unlock your authenticity, and guide you to manifest a life of purpose, joy, and abundance.

  • You're willing to dive deep into the depths of your being, exploring the layers of conditioning and societal expectations, and bravely unraveling the patterns that no longer serve you, so you can rewrite your story with love, compassion, and self-empowerment.

  • You're ready to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and step into your power as a creator of your reality. You understand that self-love isn't an overnight fix but a lifelong journey that requires commitment, practice, and an unwavering belief in your worthiness.

If you can hear the whispers of your soul calling for self-love, then the Self Love Revival Membership is your sacred invitation to embark on a transformational journey.

Embrace the power within, rise into your true essence, and let the self-love revival illuminate every corner of your existence.

this is not for you if:

  • You're not willing to take responsibility for your own growth and healing. The Self Love Revival Membership is designed for those who are ready to step into their power, do the inner work, and actively participate in their transformation. If you're looking for a quick fix or someone to do the work for you, this may not be the right fit.

  • You're resistant to change and unwilling to challenge your beliefs, patterns, and comfort zones. This journey requires openness, vulnerability, and a willingness to explore the depths of your being. If you're not ready to embrace discomfort and push beyond your self-imposed limitations, this may not be the right time for you.

  • You're seeking a magic pill or instant gratification. True self-love and empowerment are cultivated through consistent practice and a commitment to personal growth. If you're not willing to invest time, energy, and effort into your own transformation, this may not align with your current priorities.

  • You're looking for a one-size-fits-all approach or a cookie-cutter solution. The Self Love Revival Membership is about honoring your unique journey and providing tools, guidance, and support tailored to your individual needs. If you're not open to personal exploration and customization, this may not be the right fit for you.

  • You're not ready to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown. Growth and transformation happen outside of familiarity and routine. If you're resistant to change or afraid to take inspired action, this may not be the right time for you to embark on this journey of self-love and empowerment.

The Self Love Revival Membership is a sacred space for those who are truly ready to commit to their own transformation, embrace vulnerability, and step into their authentic power.

If any of the above resonates with you, it's okay to honor where you are on your path. The door will always be open when the time is right for you.

By joining the Self Love Revival Membership, you will:

  • Cultivate deep self-love and acceptance, unlocking your true potential

  • Align with your purpose and live a life of meaning and fulfillment

  • Embody authentic confidence and empowerment in all areas of your life

  • Develop a strong connection with your intuition and inner guidance

  • Release limiting beliefs and heal past wounds for lasting transformation

  • Experience profound shifts in your mindset, energy, and vibration

  • Discover and embrace your unique gifts, talents, and strengths

  • Gain clarity on your life path and make empowered choices

  • Create loving relationships and attract soul-aligned connections

  • Manifest abundance and prosperity in all aspects of your life

  • Nurture a healthy mind, body, and spirit through self-care practices

  • Access powerful tools like Human Design and The Gene Keys for self-awareness

  • Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals on a similar journey

  • Receive personalized guidance and support from an experienced mentor

  • Access exclusive resources, meditations, workbooks, and live sessions

  • Experience deep healing, transformation, and self-revival

how is this different from anything else?

We go beyond surface-level self-love practices to provide a transformative and holistic approach to personal growth. Our unique and powerful tools, including Human Design and Gene Keys, allow our members to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their purpose. By aligning with their true selves and unlocking their innate potential, our members will achieve a level of self-love and personal growth that is unmatched by other memberships.

We pride ourselves on providing a safe and supportive space for members to explore their shadows and transmute dense energy. This emphasis on shadow work allows our members to heal from past traumas and limiting beliefs, which can be a major roadblock to self-love and personal growth. We believe that true self-love requires confronting and healing the parts of ourselves that we may not be proud of, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

At The Self Love Revival, we understand that true transformation requires more than just surface-level practices. That's why we offer a comprehensive approach to self-love that addresses every aspect of our members' lives. From subconscious empowerment to purpose alignment and authentic embodiment, we provide the tools and support our members need to make lasting and transformative changes in their lives.

Our membership is different from other memberships that teach Human Design because we go beyond the basics and offer a deep dive into the unique aspects of your specific gates and channels. This customizable guidance and support is tailored to each individual's specific needs and challenges, allowing for a truly transformative experience.

Our membership also emphasizes the practical application of Human Design and Gene Keys principles, providing tangible tools and strategies for members to integrate their chart insights into their daily lives. This ensures that the knowledge gained from these modalities is not just theoretical, but also applicable and beneficial for members.

But what truly sets our self-love membership apart is our emphasis on embodiment and integration. We guide our members to not just understand their Genetic Design, but to fully embody and live out their unique design. This is not something you'll find in other memberships that may only teach the surface-level concepts of Human Design.

We understand that life can get busy, and finding time for yourself can often feel like a challenge. But we firmly believe that self-love is not a luxury; it's a necessity. The Self Love Revival membership is designed to fit seamlessly into your daily life.

With bite-sized lessons, accessible resources, and flexible learning options, you can engage with the materials at your own pace and according to your schedule.

We're here to support you in prioritizing your embodiment and carving out those precious moments of you time.

By dedicating even a few minutes each day to this transformative journey, you'll start experiencing profound shifts in your life. Remember, you deserve to make self-love a priority and invest in your own happiness.

We understand the fear of committing to a program and not seeing it through. However,

the Self Love Revival membership is not about rigid rules or obligations.

It's about creating a nurturing space for your self-growth and providing you with the tools and support you need along the way. We encourage you to take it one step at a time and honor your own journey.

Our community is here to cheer you on and provide guidance whenever you need it.

Remember, this is a safe and supportive space, and we believe in progress over perfection.

It's completely normal to feel unsure about the effectiveness of a program before joining.

The Self Love Revival membership is built upon a solid foundation of proven practices, teachings, and transformative tools. We have seen countless individuals experience breakthroughs, healing, and profound personal growth through this membership.

However, it's important to remember that your commitment and active participation are key to your success.

If you show up with an open mind and willingness to embrace the journey, the possibilities for self-love and empowerment are limitless.

Investing in your self-love and personal growth is one of the most important investments you can make.

The Self Love Revival membership offers a wealth of resources, guidance, and a supportive community that will empower you to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance.

We believe that you are worthy of this investment in yourself and your well-being.

Your future happiness and fulfillment deserve this commitment.

Remember, when you invest in yourself, you are opening doors to a life filled with love, purpose, and abundance.

Imagine a future where you wake up each day feeling deeply connected to your true self, radiating confidence and love from within. Picture a life where you embrace your uniqueness, release self-doubt, and step into your power with grace and authenticity. See yourself creating meaningful relationships, pursuing your passions with unwavering determination, and manifesting abundance effortlessly.

In this future, self-love becomes your guiding light, transforming every aspect of your life. You effortlessly set boundaries that honor your needs, nurture your mind, body, and spirit, and manifest your deepest desires. As you embody the knowledge of the universal laws, frequency, and energy, you become a magnet for aligned opportunities, abundance, and fulfillment.

Imagine embracing your purpose with clarity and confidence, unlocking your true potential, and making a meaningful impact in the world. See yourself thriving in your career, relationships, and personal growth, as you tap into the wisdom of your energetic design and unlock the gifts encoded within you.

In this future, self-love is not just a concept but a way of life. You radiate love and acceptance towards yourself and others, creating a ripple effect of positivity and transformation. You become the embodiment of self-love, inspiring those around you to embark on their own journey of revival.

This future is within your reach, and the Self Love Revival membership is here to guide you every step of the way. Together, we will unlock your true potential, heal your past wounds, and ignite the flame of self-love within your heart. Get ready to transform your life and embrace the extraordinary future that awaits you.

It's time to ignite your soul, embrace radical self-love, and create a ripple effect of empowerment in every aspect of your being. This is your invitation to embark on a transformational journey that will leave you forever changed. Are you ready to rise?


How Long is the membership?

The Self Love Revival membership is designed to be flexible and accommodating to your needs. It is an ongoing membership with no set end date, and you can cancel at any time. While we ask for a 9-month commitment to ensure that you get the most out of the program, you are welcome to stay as long as you'd like. We understand that everyone's journey is unique, and our goal is to support you every step of the way. So, take your time, explore the program, and remember, we're here for you.

How much does the membership cost?

We offer three different pricing options to accommodate your desired level of guidance and support within the Self Love Revival membership. Here are the details:

Emerald Level: This transformative level is priced at $97 per month. As an Emerald member, you will receive access to a wealth of valuable resources, including weekly membership content that covers a range of empowering topics. You'll also have weekly guided meditations, journals, workbooks, and planners to support your self-reflection and growth. In addition, you'll become part of our private support and accountability Facebook community, where you can connect with like-minded individuals on their own self-love journeys. To further enrich your experience, we hold a monthly live group Q+A session via Zoom, providing an opportunity for direct interaction, guidance, and inspiration.

Sapphire Level: For those seeking an elevated experience, we offer the Sapphire level at $197 per month. In addition to everything included in the Emerald Level, Sapphire members enjoy quarterly moon group tarot readings, adding an element of divination and intuitive guidance to your path of self-discovery. You will also gain access to monthly LIVE Breathwork Sessions, a powerful practice that helps you release blockages, connect with your inner truth, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-love. To enhance your support and connection, you'll also be invited to a dedicated breathwork support Telegram group. And to address your specific questions and dive even deeper into the material, we hold bi-weekly live group Q+A sessions, providing you with ongoing guidance and clarity.

Amethyst Level: Our Amethyst level is designed to provide the ultimate experience and personalized support. Priced at $297 per month, it includes everything in the Emerald and Sapphire levels, offering you a comprehensive toolkit for self-love and empowerment. As an Amethyst member, you'll have exclusive access to a monthly live group Reiki healing session, allowing you to experience the profound energy healing benefits firsthand. You'll also gain entry to our 9-5 office hours direct feedback Telegram group, where you can receive personalized feedback, support, and guidance from our dedicated team. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to participate in weekly live group Q+A calls, further deepening your understanding and integration of the teachings.

With our diverse range of pricing options, you can choose the level that best aligns with your intentions, needs, and desired level of support. We are committed to providing you with a transformative and empowering membership experience that helps you rediscover self-love and step into your true potential.

Are there any additional fees or hidden costs?

Absolutely not! There are no additional fees or hidden costs associated with The Self Love Revival membership. We believe in transparency and making our membership accessible to all, which is why we offer a straightforward pricing structure with no surprises or hidden fees.

Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Absolutely! We understand that life can change quickly and we want to make sure you have the flexibility to make decisions that best serve you. While we ask for a 9-month commitment, if you find that the membership is not aligned with your needs or goals, you are free to cancel at any time during the first 9 months. After that, the membership will continue on a month-to-month basis until you decide to cancel. There are no penalties or fees for cancelling, and we make the process as simple and hassle-free as possible.

How often will new content be added?

We are committed to providing you with a consistent flow of valuable content and support on your Self Love Revival journey. You can expect new content to be added every week, ensuring that you have fresh inspiration, transformative teachings, and powerful tools to support your growth. We understand the importance of ongoing guidance and nourishment, which is why we are dedicated to continuously expanding our library of resources, including insightful lessons, empowering meditations, interactive workbooks, and more. With our weekly content updates, you will always have something new to explore, learn from, and integrate into your life as you embrace the path of self-love and empowerment.

Will there be live sessions or recordings?

We believe in offering you the best of both worlds when it comes to live interactions and flexible access to our transformative content. As a member of the Self Love Revival, you will have the opportunity to participate in live Q+A sessions hosted on Zoom. These sessions allow you to directly connect with me and receive personalized guidance, clarification, and support in real-time.

We understand that life can get busy, so we also provide recordings of all our live sessions. These recordings will be uploaded into the membership portal, allowing you to revisit the valuable insights and teachings at your convenience. You can access them anytime, ensuring that you never miss out on the transformative discussions and guidance.

In addition to the live sessions and recordings, our membership portal is filled with a wealth of prerecorded lessons, meditations, workbooks, and other resources. These materials are available to you 24/7, giving you the freedom to learn and grow at your own pace.

For our Sapphire and Diamond level members, we offer exclusive access to breathwork and Reiki sessions, tailored to enhance your self-love and empowerment journey. Depending on your membership level, you can immerse yourself in these powerful practices, further deepening your transformation and connection with yourself.

With this combination of live sessions, recordings, and a rich library of resources, we ensure that you have the flexibility and convenience to engage with the Self Love Revival in a way that suits your schedule and preferences.

What experience or knowledge level is required to join the membership?

No prior experience or knowledge level is required to join The Self Love Revival membership. Our program is designed to meet you where you are and guide you through the process of embodying your authentic self, regardless of your previous experience with personal growth and development. Whether you are just starting on your journey or are well on your way, our program will provide you with the tools, guidance, and support you need to take your personal growth to the next level.

Our membership is designed to meet you where you are on your journey, whether you are just starting out or have been practicing self-love and personal growth for years. We welcome all levels of experience and provide resources and guidance to support your unique needs and goals. Our community is made up of like-minded women who are on their own paths, and we encourage everyone to learn from and support each other, regardless of where they are in their journey.

Why is it the best self-love membership out there?

The Self Love Revival's Human Design Membership stands out from others on the market because it provides a comprehensive and personalized approach to understanding and living out one's unique Human Design. The membership goes beyond just teaching the basics of Human Design and offers a deep dive into the unique aspects of each member's chart, allowing for personalized guidance and support that is tailored to each individual's specific needs and challenges.

Additionally, the membership focuses on practical application of Human Design principles, providing members with tangible tools and strategies to integrate their chart insights into their daily lives. This ensures that the knowledge gained from Human Design is not just theoretical but also applicable and beneficial for members.

Moreover, the importance of embodiment and integration is emphasized, guiding members to not just understand their Human Design chart but to fully embody and live out their unique design. This sets the membership apart from others that may only teach the surface-level concepts of Human Design without providing the necessary support and guidance for true integration and embodiment.

The membership is led by Crystal Renae, a Certified Master Mindset, Spirituality, Life Purpose, and Manifestation Coach and a Self-Learned Human Design and Gene Keys Reader. Her expertise and guidance, along with the supportive community of like-minded individuals, make this membership a truly transformative experience for anyone looking to understand and live out their unique Human Design.

What kind of support is available to members?

We understand the importance of providing ongoing support to our valued members. When you join the Self Love Revival membership, you gain access to a range of support channels designed to nurture your growth and provide guidance along your journey. Here's what you can expect:

Email Support: We're here to assist you every step of the way. If you have any questions, concerns, or need personalized support, you can reach out to us at We strive to respond to all inquiries within 2 business days, ensuring that you receive the assistance you need.

Private Support and Accountability Facebook Community: As a member, you'll be welcomed into our exclusive Facebook community, a space dedicated to supporting, connecting, and uplifting one another. This community is a safe haven where you can share your experiences, seek guidance, and celebrate your wins. Our team and fellow members are there to provide encouragement, feedback, and accountability throughout your self-love journey.

Live Q+A Sessions: To address your questions, provide additional insights, and deepen your understanding, we hold regular live Q+A sessions. These interactive sessions are conducted via Zoom and offer you the opportunity to directly engage with our team and receive guidance tailored to your needs. It's a powerful way to receive personalized support and gain clarity on any challenges or areas you wish to explore further.

Recorded Sessions and Resources: We understand that life can get busy, and it's important to have flexibility in accessing the content. That's why we provide recorded sessions of all live events, including Q+A sessions and group healings. You can access these recordings within the membership portal, allowing you to revisit the valuable insights and teachings at your own convenience.

We understand that each member has unique needs and desires when it comes to support. Depending on your chosen membership level, you'll have access to different levels of support and guidance. Here's an overview of the support available at each membership tier:

Emerald Level: At the Emerald Level, you'll receive a solid foundation of support to enhance your self-love journey. This includes weekly membership content, guided meditations, journals, workbooks, and planners to support your personal growth. You'll also have access to our private support and accountability Facebook community, where you can connect with like-minded individuals, seek guidance, and receive support. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to participate in a monthly live group Q+A session via Zoom, where you can ask questions and gain further insights.

Sapphire Level: When you upgrade to the Sapphire Level, you'll receive an elevated level of support and additional resources to deepen your self-love practice. In addition to everything offered at the Emerald Level, you'll have access to quarterly moon group tarot readings, monthly LIVE Breathwork Sessions, and a dedicated breathwork support telegram group. These additional resources will enhance your self-exploration, healing, and self-expression, providing you with a more immersive and transformative experience.

Amethyst Level: For those seeking the highest level of support and guidance, the Amethyst Level offers an unparalleled experience of growth and transformation. In addition to all the benefits of the Emerald and Sapphire Levels, you'll have exclusive access to a monthly live group Reiki healing session. This powerful energy healing modality will support your holistic well-being and facilitate deep energetic shifts. Furthermore, you'll have the opportunity to connect directly during our weekly live group Q+A calls, where you can receive personalized guidance, insights, and direct feedback to support your journey.

No matter which membership level you choose, rest assured that you'll have access to a supportive community, valuable resources, and personalized guidance to help you navigate your self-love journey with confidence and empowerment. We're here to provide the level of support you need to unlock your true potential and experience a profound transformation in your life.

How do I know if this is right for me?

We understand that deciding to invest in your personal growth and well-being is an important decision. If you're wondering if the Self Love Revival Membership is the right fit for you, consider the following:

Desire for Self-Love and Empowerment: If you're seeking to cultivate a deeper sense of self-love, develop self-empowerment, and create positive change in your life, this membership is designed with you in mind. Our comprehensive approach combines subconscious empowerment, purpose alignment, authentic embodiment, self-love practices, Human Design, and The Gene Keys to support your journey towards embracing your true self and living a life of fulfillment.

Willingness to Embody Transformation: The Self Love Revival Membership is for those who are ready to move beyond surface-level knowledge and truly embody their growth. If you're committed to doing the inner work, engaging with the materials, participating in discussions, and actively integrating the resources provided, this membership will provide you with the tools, guidance, and support to facilitate deep transformation in your life.

Desire for Community and Support: Our membership offers a supportive and nurturing community where you can connect with like-minded individuals on a similar path of self-discovery and self-love. If you crave a space where you can share your experiences, receive support, and celebrate each other's growth, the Self Love Revival Membership provides a dedicated Facebook community, live Q+A sessions, and support channels to foster connection and encouragement.

Alignment with the Offerings: Take a look at the features and resources provided in the membership levels—Emerald, Sapphire, and Diamond. If the content, guided meditations, workbooks, planners, live sessions, and additional offerings resonate with you and align with your goals, it's a strong indication that this membership is tailored to meet your needs.

Remember, the Self Love Revival Membership is designed to guide and support you on your unique journey of self-discovery and self-love. Trust your intuition and inner knowing when making this decision. If you're ready to embrace self-love, empowerment, and transformation in a supportive community, we invite you to join us on this incredible journey of self-revival and embark on a path towards a life filled with love, authenticity, and joy.

Now is the time to embark on your journey of self-love and personal transformation. Join the Self Love Revival Membership today and experience the profound shifts, empowerment, and healing that await you.

It's time to embrace your true worth, align with your purpose, and embody authentic love for yourself. Say yes to your own growth and well-being. The path to self-love starts here.

Click the button below to enroll now and ignite the flame of self-love within you. Remember, you are worthy of the love and transformation you desire.